Gatekeepers - Season 11

Jul 13, 2020 23:33

Back in September, we started with 131 contestants. We are about to go to 9 ( Read more... )

week 26, season 11, gatekeepers

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Comments 31

uselesstinrelic July 14 2020, 03:38:27 UTC
Great job everyone, and good luck! c:

(P.S. thanks for the kind words!)


halfshellvenus July 14 2020, 07:44:34 UTC
I thought he'd probably mangled your username up above! Because you're a great choice for a gatekeeper.

Thanks so much for taking the time to do that. :)


uselesstinrelic July 14 2020, 15:00:05 UTC
Haha, yeah, it's me! I was happy to read them because I really enjoy doing idol. Even when it's not going on or I'm not in the runnings, it's something ellison and I will talk about, or will be talking about the folks we met from here.

Anyway, good on you for sticking through c:


kittenboo July 14 2020, 12:26:54 UTC
So glad you were able to come back for this, you had one of my favorite pieces from this season!


tigrkittn July 14 2020, 04:03:18 UTC
I almost won what when??
*falls down ded*


halfshellvenus July 14 2020, 07:45:27 UTC
Hahahaha! I can totally see that, and you would have been a fine choice!

Thanks for taking the time to be a Keeper of Gates, on top of all your other busy-ness. :D


kittenboo July 14 2020, 12:27:25 UTC
Thank you for coming back and being a gatekeeper for us!


me_sonrei July 14 2020, 04:08:02 UTC
What a wonderful mix of people! Thank you to everyone for taking the time to read and vote! Gary, I'm impressed at what a great list of names you've got here - - it says a lot about you that so many people were willing to step up and help! Thank you to *you* as well! <3


kittenboo July 14 2020, 05:47:30 UTC
What an amazing list of people! I certainly remember some, played against some, and love the work of some! And the people I don’t know sound awesome. Thank you to everyone who took the time to join us here, took time out of your lives to read and vote ❤️❤️❤️


dadi July 14 2020, 06:57:21 UTC
Wow! What an impressive panel of interesting people! I think, everybody who will be voted in by them can feel very proud!


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