Green Room - Week 26 - Day 6

Jul 06, 2020 09:41

That extended weekend Green Room may have been the first one in our 14 year history without a single comment ( Read more... )

week 26, green room, day 06, season 11

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Comments 14

pixiebelle July 6 2020, 13:50:47 UTC
Commenting so there’s at least my comment here :p

Honestly, I’m just so busy and stressed right now. We have to fly back into the US later this week and it’s a mess - we have so much paperwork to get to make sure my husband is allowed into the US, then paperwork to make sure I’m allowed back into France. Plus, I’ll have ten days to move everything out of my apartment and to prepare my cats to fly internationally. It’s chaos right now. So I may not be around much until after we get back later this month.

I did get my Spirit votes in though.


dadi July 6 2020, 17:26:40 UTC
I am so glad your husband is coming with you! At least you don't have to confront all of this alone <3


pixiebelle July 6 2020, 19:27:46 UTC
Me too. I didn’t even have to ask either, he just decided to come with me. It’ll be easier for me to get back into the country and he can help me with one of my cats since it’s only one cat per person.


rayaso July 6 2020, 14:49:06 UTC
I was very busy this weekend with lots of minor stuff plus writing, so I didn't write any comments for Green Room. Today I have to make serious progress on my story and go grocery shopping. Our local stores won't let you in if unless you are wearing a mask and some only allow a certain number of customers in at a time for social distancing. The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again" keeps running through my head and, if I'm in a hopeful mood, Paul Simon's "American Tune."


roina_arwen July 6 2020, 18:48:05 UTC
I found this on FB the other day, lol!

... )


rayaso July 6 2020, 19:09:37 UTC
Hah! Isn't the virus supposed to peter out on its own?


roina_arwen July 6 2020, 20:43:44 UTC
One would hope so, but who knows!


kittenboo July 6 2020, 18:34:24 UTC
Started back at work today after 4 months at home! Felt weird and good at the same time. Now I’m home and going to make some brownies.


roina_arwen July 6 2020, 18:49:04 UTC
Ooooh! Brownies! Are you an edge person or a middles person?


kittenboo July 6 2020, 19:14:05 UTC
Middle all the way! How about you?


roina_arwen July 6 2020, 20:41:05 UTC
I’ll happily eat either, but I have a slight preference for middle pieces.


roina_arwen July 6 2020, 18:51:46 UTC
I’m stymied on who to vote for for the Spirit award - so many people have helped make this a fun place to be, it’s tough to narrow them down.


kittenboo July 6 2020, 19:15:39 UTC
I agree! If it helps, I decided to go with my gut instinct, the first three that jumped into my mind that fit the definition.


roina_arwen July 6 2020, 20:42:18 UTC
That’s pretty much what I wound up doing, too.


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