Green Room - Week 20 - Weekend Edition

Apr 26, 2020 14:39

How is your weekend going ( Read more... )

weekend edition, green room, week 20, season 11

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Comments 7

pixiebelle April 26 2020, 18:48:43 UTC
I’m starting to feel better. Very mild or not fever since the ER. I just feel generally unwell - not Covid related, at least I don’t think so.

France will be relaxing some things on May 11th. Not everything though - no restaurants or cafes still. I think they may be moving a bit too fast, especially since they can’t really test everyone who needs it, but at least they’re doing it slowly. They’ll also give everyone masks. Still a ban on international travel so I don’t think I’ll be able to get my cats anytime soon :(


dadi April 26 2020, 21:02:02 UTC
Here in Germany, most shops will be opening again tomorrow, with some rules to guarantee distance between clients, also, covering nose and mouth in shops and public transport. No bars, restaurants, hairdressers and gyms. People here are getting restless and spouting lots of weird conspiracy theories. Whining everywhere, which is really stupid, seen how Germany has not been hit very hard re. deaths from the virus.

Me, I am an introvert and am not suffering any abstinence from socialising. But my professional future is kind of dire and I am at risk if I catch that bug, so the mood is less than stellar right now...


md_meezer April 26 2020, 22:35:15 UTC
It's been rainy so I have not had the chance to get out into the garden so, I have just been doing laundry. I did finish watching Ozark on netflix.


clauderainsrm April 26 2020, 23:09:44 UTC
We've finished Season 1, but what I've heard is that Season 2 isn't good and it doesn't get better until the latter half of Season 3. Do you think that's accurate? (I've heard it from a couple different people, but I've also had someone say that it was good all the way through, so just looking for another opinion)


md_meezer April 27 2020, 22:37:48 UTC
Season one is definitely the best season. Season two just builds on the storyline and can drag a bit in places, season three picks up pace again and the ending was totally unexpected for me.

I really enjoyed it.


hwango April 27 2020, 01:44:14 UTC
I have not been productive. It's too easy to get distracted working at home, there's no good place for me to do work while working from home, and the actual tasks I have while working from home are mostly tedious. It sucks. And yet, I know that I am incredibly fortunate to even still have a job, so I can't complain too much.

As far as I know, we're still supposed to stay home unless we're out foraging for food, and I don't think I'd want to go out for anything else even if it were permitted. I guess when they send us back to work I'll be willing to do everything else again, because in for a penny in for a pound.

I still feel a little off, which could mean anything or nothing, but is stressful regardless, because at this point I've been conditioned to fear the worst. I haven't even been to the grocery store for 2 weeks just in case, because I'm trying to be a responsible person.

On the brighter saw a bumblebee yesterday. That was nice.


tonithegreat April 27 2020, 03:29:24 UTC
This topic is kicking my butt. I pondered and pondered today, but things aren’t coming together and now it is the eve of a busy week.

But I’ve done more home-based weather enjoyment in this quarantine than ever, I think. It is a really beautiful spring here. I haven’t had to spend a day in a climate controlled building in over a month.


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