Results - Week 15/ Second Chance Week 3

Mar 03, 2020 21:06

It's time for a Sudden Death Write-Off.

4 from the main competition.
4 from Second Chance.

There are only 4 spots available. You win, or your dreams are crushed*!

(*If your dream is getting in/staying in. If it's something else, your dream is probably fine)

There was a wrinkle in this because kittenboo fell on her sword. Which means she is taking one of these spots.

She is considered being part of this Write Off. (People were asking about that)

For the others, it literally came down to 1 vote from being a 15 way tie!
But that 1 vote was cast, and it got it back down to 3.

Which means that the 4 from the main competition are:

and Tsuki_no_bara

With Second Chance, there were 4 others within 2 votes of being a tie. But again, those last few votes were enough to shift things.

Which means that the representatives from Second Chance are:


The Sudden Death Write Off is Open Topic. So it can be anything you want.
Bring your A-game. This is for all the marbles, and any other cliche you can think of to emphasize that this is big!

Unlike most Sudden Deaths, this time you will have 2 days. The deadline to link your entries back to this thread is Thursday, March 5th at 8pm EST

Have fun!

sudden death write off, week 15, second chance, week 3, season 11

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