Results - Week 31

Sep 17, 2017 21:19

We are coming to the end of Season 10, and this week followed the pattern of close matches and sad results. But then again, as I've been saying, those are the only results that we ever have at this point ( Read more... )

eliminations, season 10, week 31

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Comments 22

bleodswean September 18 2017, 01:23:02 UTC
Season 10 for the win!!! 😉 What a stupendous season this has been! Just over ten months so far. That’s one hell of a lot of writing! I am beholden to my readers and thankful to those who have voted for my entries! This has been a really amazing group of writers and I am honored to have written side-by-side with all of you. It’s both thrilling and humbling to have made it so far. I’ve enjoyed reading the varied interpretations of the challenging prompts each week and truly admire the breadth of talent and skill that Idolars bring to the game. It’s going to be a formidable battle to the finish line!

I love therealljidol madly. I love the writing, the reading, the commenting, the prompting. I believe this is a wholly unique way to get writers writing and readers reading! I do believe in Idol as a skill-builder for all writers and encourage any of you who feel the same to consider becoming a patron to make it a bit easier for Gary to continue to offer this experience! I am looking forward to the future of Idol - the next step in this crazy dance ( ... )


swirlsofblue September 18 2017, 07:51:25 UTC
Very very sad to see you go *huggles*. You are amazing, I look forward to your pieces every week, because they are absolutely inspiring and essential muse food. And also outside of the writing you bring so much to Idol with your interactions and support of everyone in the community.


bleodswean September 18 2017, 15:20:40 UTC
Thank you, J. *hugs* I was sad when you left for the same reasons! Here's to another season of Idol, maybe some fanfic, and an "IT" groupread!


swirlsofblue September 19 2017, 07:30:06 UTC
Aww thank you.
Here's to another season of Idol, maybe some fanfic, and an "IT" groupread!

Yes, here's to what comes next *raises glass* Cheers!


rayaso September 18 2017, 01:36:05 UTC
I am so sorry to see this! You are a truly outstanding writer, with a real gift. It has been a pleasure to read your entries, and I look forward to another season from you. In addition to the quality of your writing, you have contributed so much to Idol through your comments and support.


bleodswean September 18 2017, 01:47:32 UTC
Oh, G, thank you so much! Your comments have been unwaveringly encouraging and I appreciate your words more than you know. We will have to form a mutual admiration society because I feel the EXACT SAME way about you, your writing, and your support of Idolars!


murielle September 18 2017, 02:09:11 UTC
I am beyond words here. "Sorry to see you go," just doesn't cover it. You are a stellar writer! The maturity you bring to Idol in your writing and your presence raise the bar exponentially, your honesty and dignity as well as your creativity and skill are absolutely inspirational, challenged only by your kindness and generosity to the rest of us. I can't wait to read your words as you move on to your next venture. I have been told that in life there are winners and losers, you my friend are the very definition of a winner. It is an honour to know you.


bleodswean September 18 2017, 03:01:27 UTC
Oh, M, thank you!!! I don't know how to respond to such a humbling and heart-warming message! Your support and encouragement over these past years has done more for my desire to improve my writing, my storytelling, my characterization than you can ever know. It's a rewarding thing to have someone cheerleading and championing! *HUGS*


i_17bingo September 18 2017, 10:33:38 UTC
I'm shocked by this. Not only is bleodswean one of the most imaginative, talented writers in Idol, but you're one of the sweetest people I've ever run across. I'm sorry to see you go.


bleodswean September 18 2017, 15:22:31 UTC
Thank you! That touches me and really means a lot! I know there are more Idols in both of our futures!!! Hope you're still writing!


ryl September 18 2017, 12:45:27 UTC
Of all the results I expected to see, this was not one of them. bleodswean is a fantastic writer and a one of Idol's top cheerleaders. See you again in Season 11?


bleodswean September 18 2017, 15:23:17 UTC
*smooch* Let's do this thing again! Season 11, watch out! But first NaNoWriMo and "IT"! Thanks, ryl!


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