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Comments 5

clauderainsrm September 16 2017, 18:16:22 UTC
I wrote a much longer entry about the recovery efforts, and what you go through living in a declared disaster area (which the entire state is currently)

But deleted it because nothing I can say about it right now comes out as being coherent. :)

Over a million people in the state are without power, including some friends. Celena's Paternal Grandmother has no home. (an underreported story about hurricanes is that they often generate tornadoes)

Several friends are also dealing with their jobs. Because if the business was closed - many companies paid their people as admin time. But when they opened again, regardless of if you were in the area or not, you have to use your PTO. IF you don't have it, then it's unpaid.

That's for office jobs. For retail - the situation is a lot more dicey.


bleodswean September 16 2017, 18:20:26 UTC
HAPPY birthday weekend to Cynthia!!

Things look pretty bad down there, G. I can't even imagine how the Keys will rebuild.


alycewilson September 16 2017, 21:22:18 UTC
Happy birthday, Cynthia!


murielle September 16 2017, 23:27:52 UTC
Happy birthday wishes to Cynthia.

Praying for you all--it looks so bad on TV. So sad.


swirlsofblue September 17 2017, 08:07:00 UTC
Birthday wishes to Cynthia.

You and yours are in my thoughts.


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