Question of the day

Aug 26, 2009 14:53

For most of 2009, I've had the strong impression that there are fewer good conversations to be found on livejournal than there used to be. Is that your impression as well? And if it is, what do you attribute that to?

livejournal, question of the day

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Comments 70

eeyore_grrl August 26 2009, 20:55:03 UTC
i agree. as for the reason. i know several have moved on to dreamwidth or facebook.

maybe we're generally getting tired of sharing? though i think it is mostly the moving on to the other things. like the demise of wombat...


therealjae August 26 2009, 20:57:58 UTC
I haven't found very many good discussions on dreamwidth, either, though, and facebook doesn't seem to be conducive to that sort of discussion at all. Maybe it's just the fact of so many people who used to all be here being splintered across all of those different places to chat (and let's not forget Twitter!).

I really do miss wombat sometimes. Even though I know you can't go home again.



eeyore_grrl August 26 2009, 21:02:19 UTC
i *do* miss wombat for that too. :(

facebook is not where i would opt to have anything seriously discussed. i am very surface over there and i haven't ventured into lands of dreamwidth, but i think you may have a point about everyone being splintered... you can catch a good conversation here or there, but we're not all in the same place anymore.


hobbitbabe August 26 2009, 21:09:24 UTC
I wish I'd been a wombat.

As for your main question, that hadn't occurred to me. So I have to think about it.


locketportrait August 26 2009, 21:28:42 UTC
I've been involved in/read far fewer good convos in LJ as of late, but I'd mostly attributed that to my shorter attention span and lack of participation in communities. But perhaps I'm not alone in that?


therealjae August 26 2009, 21:36:27 UTC
By "lack of participation in communities", do you mean communities in general, or LJ-based ones?



locketportrait August 26 2009, 21:45:28 UTC

But for LJ in particular, I've always had an "individuals" filter that includes all the individual journals, and several grouped by topic community filters. I used to read "individuals", then most of the community filters. Now it's only "individuals".


soupytwist August 26 2009, 21:31:07 UTC
I always wonder what's going on in the bits of LJ I don't frequent...

(I also find that a lot of conversation right now is going on on Twitter, but it's definitely not the same sort of conversation.)


therealjae August 26 2009, 21:35:28 UTC
Yeah, I dabbled in Twitter when I attended a big political event recently, and I thought the conversations were much like what I know of facebook conversations. Fun, especially when you're all sharing one big event in person at the same time that you're writing about it online, but also very public and comparatively superficial.

Wondering about what's going on in the bits of LJ I don't frequent is actually what prompted this post--i.e., wondering whether it's just me and mine, or whether it's bigger than that. I mean, I have to wonder if it's an accident that the best multiperson conversations I've read/participated in on LJ recently have been in Dutch.

You didn't answer the original question, though--was that intentional? :-)



soupytwist August 26 2009, 21:43:04 UTC
I've found Twitter better than Facebook (my FB conversations have pretty much all been personal; Twitter just had a debate about the NHS which I actually really loved and found very interesting). But basically, yeah!

It was intentional, but mostly because I don't know! :) It does feel like maybe there's been less of that sort of conversation... but it is possible-to-really-very-likely that the reason for that is that it's summer, or I've been failing at being on LJ and finding the good discussion, or a combination of both.


shinycuba August 26 2009, 21:46:20 UTC
Ik ben het er wel helemaal mee eens. Moet ik er wel eerlijk bij zeggen dat mijn aandacht de laatste tijd wat beperkter is, ook omdat ik met veel dingen bezig ben. En mijn instelling is dat ik niet alleen maar 1 regeltje tekst ga typen als een comment, vooral niet als reactie op een lange post, omdat ik dat zo stom vind overkomen - dus of ik neem er wel de tijd voor, of ik laat het overgaan en heb het er later wel over met die persoon (en vaak wordt dat ook eventjes snel via twitter gedaan ( ... )


therealjae August 26 2009, 21:56:00 UTC
Gek genoeg is de instelling van mij net andersom (ik schrijf liever een paar regeltjes als ik weinig tijd en zin heb dan dat ik helemáál niet reageer), maar het uiteindlijke resultaat is precies hetzelfde: slechtere, saaiere, beperktere conversaties. Dat doet me echt nadenken.

En op de icons is dat een gekkootje hoor! Ik weet eerlijk gezegd niet meer waar ik het oorspronkelijk vandaan heb--er was wel ooit een website waar ik het van heb gegapt. Maar al sinds begin 2001 is dat gekkootje alleen maar van mij. :-)



rosefox August 26 2009, 21:56:56 UTC
That's not my impression at all.


therealjae August 26 2009, 21:58:10 UTC

What subsets of the big, wide livejournal do you frequent where there is still good conversation to be found?



rosefox August 26 2009, 22:00:00 UTC
SF/fantasy/horror fandom, especially the parts of it that are talking about anti-racist and anti-sexist activism. The first names that come to mind are karnythia, coffeeandink, and jimhines.


therealjae August 26 2009, 22:00:59 UTC
Ahhhh, yes. I'd caught the fringes of that, actually. Thanks for reminding me.



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