Two for
picspammy Challenge 23, RGB. Blue. Because I like blue, okay.
Part One and only part one because those are the images I had to work with (at least I'm pretty sure it's all part one, it's been a while since I've actually watched it). And done, really, because Caterina's gorgeous. I mean, for realz, y'all. I want Alice's clothes.
But anyway. It would've just been her, but Hatter's dwelling there is gorgeous for blue and it seems wrong to leave him out since he's so fantastic.
And, uh, the coloring started out nice, and, like most things, just went downhill from there.
- Don't hotlink/take my images, yo.
- Credit:
Fanpop, and
Syfy- Part Two? I don't know. Maybe. If I find caps. Maybe even some Tin Man action, instead. Whut.
- Enjoy. :)