Jason Smith and the US Men's Curling Team

Feb 26, 2010 08:54

This is a random picspam because I've watched a lot of curling (isn't it always on?) during this Olympics. I still know next to nothing about the sport, to be honest, but I like sports usually because of the people that play them. And I love the US Men's team. Why? Because I love every US team in the Olympics. But Curlers are more normal people than other athletes, I think. Anyway. The focus is generally Jason Smith, because...you know why, I don't even need to explain, but everybody's here. Plus, there's a bonus Chris Plys mini-spam (although it's more like a mini-mini-spam, because this spam in itself is kind of a mini-spam).

Actually, this is just a rambly mess. With pictures. Forgive me.

This is Jason Smith. Having the last name Smith already sort of makes you a badass, according to pop culture and such. I just learned that his nickname is, apparently, Smitty. Which makes me lol (US HOCKEY SCORE! I'M SO DISTRACTED BY THIS) because I had a teacher whose last name was Smith and...this story isn't funny to anyone, so I'll skip finishing tell you and return to Jason. Cough.

So, being a curler doesn't get you anything except a free trip to the Olympics for yourself to compete for a chance at a medal. But you have to have a job. Jason happens to be a technician. I'm, like, ninety percent certain that he's third (and he plays skip when Shuster's throwing), but that ten percent is because I can't find that fact anymore. But I swear I read it somewhere.

Also, he's SIX FOOT. And so is Chris Plys, apparently. WHAT IS THIS?

Forgive me for the terrible saturation on the above picture?

People yell a lot in curling. This might surprise you. The intensity that they obviously yell with surprised me. And, while I've yet to hear a 'hard, hard, hard, hard, hard' joke, I'm sure there are plenty in existance.

Um. Yeah.

Aw. This is Jason and Jon. I don't know for fact, but I'm pretty sure they're besties. Which is always awesome. Apparently, according to NBC, anyway, Shuster tricked Smith into going curling in the first place, saying they were going to McDonald's...

Can you imagine? How depressing would that be if you really were hungry?


(HOCKEY DOMINATION. I NEED TO NOT BE DISTRACTED.) Haha. Um. Throwing! An integral part of curling. This is where the yelling occurs, as far as I can tell. Although, I think the skip does a fair amount of yelling, too, but I can't be sure because the only time I really hear people yelling is when they're entirely focused on sweepers and THAT'S ALL I CAN SEE. Not that that's a bad thing.

Look! It's the other two J's! (John Benton and Jeff Isaacson, now we have a whole team! What up.)

Sweeping! The other part of curling. Lookit the intensity in that right picture. That's some serious sweepin' right there.

Having watched a lot of curling the past week, I've noticed that I think it's be rather awkward to be on the left side of the rock as you're sweeping. It just looks much smoother and easier to be on the right, but what do I know because I've never done it (and it's rather unlikely, at least at the moment, that I'll be doing it).

(I actually feel pretty bad for Finland right now...)

SCORE! Look at the crazy excitement on Shuster's face! I know you wanna yell YES just looking at it.

I only reason I added the top picture is because I think it's kind of hilarious. Even though I know that's just how curling's played, but it's like...four people with sweeping hardcore and then people just chilling off to the side not doing anything. It's genius.

Yay teamwork. I'm assuming they're discussing strategy. It's all the J's together. And this is obviously before Plys got to play.

Those were all rather disjointed sentences. Sorry.


I probably would've made an entire spam, but there's a serious lack of pictures of him out there. Just so you know. (Maybe I just suck at looking, which is definitely possible.)

This is Chris Plys. He's only twenty-two, so he's, like, the little kid even though he's really not. He has a lot of tattoos. And gorgeous hair.

If that doesn't sound shallow enough for you.

My sister and I are confused by the top picture...because I'm pretty sure those particular four never played together. Where's Smith? But it's kind of adorable, anyway.

And the bottom picture is some kind of gorgeousness. For pretty much everybody involved.

Most of my pictures came from NBC, and then I found these at the World Curling website. So, I mean, where's the love for Chris, NBC? This pretty much sums up all I have to say about that:

And this is my favorite picture of Jason, again, minus the text. I like it, a lot, even though I kind of washed out the color in photoshop. Anyway. It's AWESOME, and you should love it, too.


- Please don't take these/hotlink them without asking me first. :)
- Credit: NBC & World Curling.
- I apologize for the crazy commentary. Really, I do. I'm tempted to start over again because it sounds absolutely outrageous, but I won't because maybe you're laughing, which is good. Don't judge me, please?
- Is anyone else totally mind scrambled by this US/Finland hockey game?
- Enjoy? ♥♥

picspam: olympics

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