Valentine's Week Challenge

Feb 08, 2009 08:40

Because all we really need to survive is one person who truly loves us. And you have her.
- Penny to Desmond, Live Together, Die Alone

This is a special thread dedicated to sending messages of love. I invite anyone to compose a love letter from one character to another, from yourself to a character, from the island to its current and former inhabitants, anything you like. Any style or pairing is welcome. Make us laugh, cry, fan ourselves, sigh, and swoon.

In the subject heading of your comment, please include the recipient and author of the letter and the rating. Example - To: Vincent, From: Walt, PG, any spoilers or warnings. If your letter gets too long, feel free to link back to your journal.

At the end of the challenge, I will compile a master list of all the letters. This challenge will run from today until midnight on Valentine's Day (Pacific Standard Time).

The deadline has been extended to February 21.


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