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Jinx [1/?] anniessmile February 10 2010, 08:27:19 UTC
Player Information

Name: Annie
Age: 19
AIM SN: SteamPunkMoth
email: defying_defemestration@yahoo.com
Have you played in an LJ based game before? …maybe just a little.
Bonus: How did you hear about Siren's Pull? Because I love you.

Character Information

Canon Source: Teen Titans (TV and Go!)
Canon Format: TV show and comic books
Character's Name: Jinx
Character's Age: Late teens

What form will your character's NV take? I think it will be Jinx’s HIVE communicator. It’s probably the best option since she may not break it subconsciously.

Character's Canon Abilities:Jinx has the ability to control probability in a negative favor. Because of that, she also has a good sixth sense for when bad things are about to happen. She brings bad luck, usually with great precision, but her abilities are strongly affected by her emotions. When she is angry or upset, things big and small tend to explode, break, catch on fire, spontaneously combust and just go plain bad. Her abilities manifest themselves in visible telekinetic waves ( ... )


Jinx [2/?] anniessmile February 10 2010, 08:29:06 UTC
Character History:
Throughout the series, it seems that Jinx has a few major motivations: riches, fame, and respect. If she needs to rob a museum, destroy large pieces of public property, and beat heads into walls to gain those things, so be it. Instead of being the good guy who always finishes last, she decided to take a much more fun route to getting everything she could ever want. Villainy. The girl is recorded as attending boarding schools for villains almost her entire life such as Dark Wave Prep, The Junior H.I.V.E. Academy, and the world famed Hierarchy of International Vengeance and Extermination Academy for Extraordinary Young People (The H.A.E.Y.P. for short ( ... )


Jinx [3/?] anniessmile February 10 2010, 08:30:21 UTC
This heist took place while the Teen Titans were out of Jump, and the Brotherhood of Evil was working on conquering the world. After calling Jinx and her team to aid them, and what she thought to be a successful robbery, it seemed like nothing could bring Jinx down. That was until Kid Flash came along. Just as she was walking out of the museum with the good luck necklace in hand, he snatched it away from her, humiliated her team, and put a rose in her hand at light speed. He was standing in her way, so she sought out to use this misfortune to her advantage ( ... )


Jinx [4/?] anniessmile February 10 2010, 08:31:42 UTC
Character Personality:
As any great villain should be, Jinx is determined, stubborn, outspoken, mysterious, strong, and an incredible liar. These are traits that have helped her rise to the top of the HIVE Academy, graduating the top of their class, then going on to lead her own team to terrorize Jump City. What she wants most in this world is respect and acceptance, but instead she settles for fear. Her team, although they cannot seem to do much of anything right, follows her orders because they are terrified of her. Not only is she intelligent and super powered, but she has a terrible temper.

Jinx’s temper gets her into a lot of trouble. At one point, she brings down several tons of steel structure down on herself just because she cannot get her enemy off of her. Much later in the series, Kid Flash sparks her temper and she ends up destroying her entire bedroom trying to get him. If her team makes her angry, she yells at them, throws them, beats them, hexes them, or just makes their lives very, very unfortunateAlongside her temper ( ... )


Jinx [5/?] anniessmile February 10 2010, 08:32:36 UTC
Character Plans:
Jinx is such a dynamic character that it’s difficult to make plans for her pre-game. Taking her from such a volatile point in her canon, she could go a lot of different directions. I think it really depends on who starts to influence her first: good people or bad people. At first though, I think she’s going to start out loving the city until she realizes she’s trapped. She’s probably going to try to live off other people, meanwhile fighting to get what she wants: power and respect. Jinx is a crafty little brat with impulse control. All I know is this is going to be fun.

Appearance/PB:In no way is Jinx the typical teenage girl. The first thing that may attract attention to her is a unique style of bright fuchsia hair and her ostentatious, witchy choice of clothing. Her skin is a pale gray decorated with unique features such as a permanent blush and dark liner around her eyes. Many of her attributes, along with her basic movement, is very catlike. Her nails are naturally hard and sharpened to a claw-like state, and her ( ... )


Jinx [6/6] anniessmile February 10 2010, 08:33:14 UTC
Third Person Sample
Sirens. Not like an air raid, but like something screaming. Something trying to get out. Or was that thinking about it too much? It could just be a siren in the distance, but this just felt wrong. It felt like misfortune, and she could sense it in the air. The sound was loud and disgusting, ringing in her ears for much longer than she could actually hear it. The last bit of light escaped the sky, leaving behind not a single star, just an eerie feeling.

Looking around, Jinx began to see a suspicious lack of people on the streets. During the day, everything had seemed so normal, but now it felt as though she was the only one left in the city. Something told her that standing in the middle of the street was not a good plan anymore. Dashing to a nearby alley, she moved to the unseen side of the dumpster there and began to think this through. Peering at her surroundings, more things began to look off. It was as though things were growing filthier, like a city unmaintained. The wall she had almost leaned against her ( ... )


Accepted! thepull_mods February 13 2010, 14:50:17 UTC
Congratulations, you've been yanked by the Core into the lovely world of Siren's Port!

Your dormant powers have been approved. Please remember to level these up slowly, they won't be active immediately and will take time to develop.

Now that you've been accepted, please do the following:

1) reply to this comment with the journal you will be using to play your character in the game
2) request to join the communities sirenspull, sirenspull_logs, and sirenspull_ooc with your character's journal
3) make sure you have the required IC contact, HMD, and character info posts up on your character journal
4) post your character's information in a comment to this entry (opens in a new window)
5) post your contact information in a comment to this entry (opens in a new window)

6) introduce yourself on the ooc comm and get posting!

We're looking forward to having you in the game! Feel free to pop by our ooc chat room at sirenspull to get moving right away!


Re: Accepted! hexyoutotuesday February 14 2010, 15:36:22 UTC
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you~! THANK. YOU.

Teeheh... <3


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