My Merlin Big Bang Illustrations

Aug 15, 2011 23:54

Last year when I read all of the wonderful Big Bangs I was determined to give it ago the year after, despite how utterly scary the idea of doing illustrations was to me. (And still is. lol) But a year later and I've just completed my first Big Bang!
Click to see pictures.... )

arthur/merlin, original drawing/illustration, big bang, pencil drawing

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Comments 32

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thepowerofme August 19 2011, 10:05:39 UTC
Yay, detail! I'm so crap at detail usually. I just can't function in small scale, so I'm so glad that you like the small amount of detail I was able to put into the hospital drawing. I really wanted to give everyone a full sense of the scene since it's such a heartbreaking but important moment of the story! So thanks so much for commenting about it! *hugs*


chaosmaka August 19 2011, 05:18:58 UTC
OH MY GOD!! I love these. They are absolutely wonderful! Thank you! ♥♥


thepowerofme August 19 2011, 10:07:14 UTC
No thank you for that wonderful reaction! I'm so pleased that you like them so much! I just hope that you'll enjoy the story just as much! :)


chaosmaka August 19 2011, 21:47:17 UTC
Your Arthur is just so beautiful <3 And the pic in the hospital... just wow because you can actually *feel* the atmosphere. Anyway, I hope I'll get the chance to finish the story soon :)


lower_case_d August 19 2011, 05:48:24 UTC
I can't even express how much I loved the art for seeing the first time. Just, wow. Stunning and so beyond anything I would have imagined. You are an amazing artist and it is so wonderful to have these embedded into the fic. What an honor! Thank you so much!

I wish I could shower you with love!


thepowerofme August 19 2011, 10:12:02 UTC
What do you mean you wish you could shower me with love? You already have! Thanks so much hun, I'm so pleased and relieved that you like the drawings. It was so important to me that you did because I love your story so much, I didn't want to let you down! So thank you again for your kind words, they mean the world!


charma_10 August 20 2011, 08:21:11 UTC
I love this art so so so much xD the hospital scene is so so gorgeous and I feel it when I look at it and I got a tear in my eye and the chapter art is just so so so stunning and we love you so so so much for the effort and time you gave this project!


thepowerofme August 20 2011, 22:41:53 UTC
*squishes so so so much* XD


the_muppet August 19 2011, 07:46:37 UTC
Stunning! I love all of them but can't actually take my eyes off the first one =)

Thanks so much for participating and well done =)


thepowerofme August 19 2011, 10:15:43 UTC
lol that's alright, stare for as long as you like and maybe if you stare hard enough he'll sing you a song! *wishes hard*

Thanks so much for commenting, I'm so glad that you like them! And thanks again for putting the Big Bang together, it's been a great experience!


anon_fan August 19 2011, 12:52:32 UTC
Your art is just beautiful and compliments the story so well.


thepowerofme August 19 2011, 13:24:06 UTC
Oh yay, I'm so pleased that you like my drawings and that you feel they compliments the story well! I've never done any type of illustrations before so that is such a wonderful compliment, thank you!


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