Criminal Minds Ficlets

Jan 07, 2009 09:36

Written for fandom_stocking.

All are PG-13 or lower unless noted.

Aaron Hotchner/Derek Morgan. Approaches. 317 words. )

quantico metro station, fanfiction

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Comments 7

iseult_variante January 8 2009, 04:23:47 UTC
I liked this line in the first one,
"What?" Hotch asked, and his face looked atypically young, startled. , and the second one was ADORABLE, and the third one made me think naughty thoughts. (Me and Derek both, I presume.)


thepouncer January 8 2009, 16:25:30 UTC
I love it when Hotch is vulnerable, because he's so stoic most of the time. And Reid! Reid definitely inspires naughty thoughts.


iseult_variante January 9 2009, 04:28:34 UTC
inDEED. *thinks naughty thoughts!*


aoibhe January 8 2009, 15:09:31 UTC
These were all great, but I particularly love the first one. Hotch/Morgan is such a favorite pairing of mine but there's not nearly enough GOOD fic for them. I'm gonna have to rec this one. :)

Thanks for sharing. <3


thepouncer January 8 2009, 16:25:40 UTC
Thank you for reading!


snarkaddict January 9 2009, 02:08:31 UTC
Hi! *waves* I came across this from friendsfriends and have seen you around bandom.

I love all of this, especially the last ficlet. You have all their voices down and the tattoo! <33333


severity_softly January 9 2009, 16:03:54 UTC
Lovely. I especially love the first one! Thanks!


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