Title: Noah Bennet and the Meeting in the Pub
thepenguinspen aka
angiepenguinFandom(s): Heroes, HP
Characters/Pairings: HRG, Snape
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 372
Disclaimer: The characters are the property of their respective owners, I don't own them.
Author's Note: This takes place a few years before the start of Heroes.
Noah Bennet sat in a pub somewhere in North London, a meat pie half-eaten in front of him. There was a television within his field of vision that he would occasionally glance at, but his main attention was on his surroundings. The Company had sent him to London to retrieve a man by the name of Daniel Digsby, and he was to meet his partner for the job in this pub.
The door flung open. A pale man with stringy black hair and a cape strode in. He briefly scanned the faces he saw before recognizing Mr. Bennet. He walked toward him, wand in hand.
Bennet slowly turned his chair to meet with this latest arrival to the pub, his hand moving to rest on his gun.
"I assure you, that won't be necessary," the man said.
"I think that's for me to decide," Bennet replied.
"As you wish," the man intoned, deciding to allow Bennet to think that it would be effective. "My name is Professor Snape, and my reason for being here is merely to deliver a message."
A moment of surprise twitched on Bennet's face, then he tightened his grip on his gun. If this man isn't his partner-to-be...
"I am here to extend an invitation to your daughter to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
Bennet pulled out his gun fully at this, pointing it at Snape. "I don't know what information you claim to have, but Claire does not belong in that kind of place," he spoke, slowly and carefully.
Snape simply stared at the man in front of him. "If I am here, then she is. Professor Dumbledore has requested that I deliver the message, and now I have. You'll be hearing from the school again." Snape turned and started walking towards the door. He stopped just before the precipice, turned around, and muttered a forgetting charm on the pubgoers excluding Bennet. He looked at Bennet one last time, then turned around and left. The pubgoers returned to normal, as if the previous five minutes had not happened.
Bennet took out his phone and dialed. "Sandra? ... No, I'm fine. How are you and and the kids? ... Good. Anything unusual? ... "
Mr. Digsby would have to wait.