Muses: Choi Junhong/Zelo (
fluffycakebuns) and Kim Junsu (
Status: Closed
Date / Time: 10/20, early evening
Rating: PG
Type: Thread
Summary: With permission from the Lady to create his supernatural hospital, Junsu goes on a hunt for a site for it. He enlists the help of Zelo, and the two find the perfect place. Except they find more than they bargained for
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Comments 11
Well, granted, Zelo did think Junsu had had a good idea, and he wholeheartedly agreed to helping to fund the hospital he wanted to build for supernaturals. However, did he really have to be the one to accompany the demigod to the potential site?
"Yeah... sure is something." Zelo stared up at the building. Such a complete building... left intact in the land scarce Hong Kong. Somehow, Zelo had a feeling that this place might have some sort of catch to it.
"It'll be awesome, you'll see." If he'd bothered to stop and look more closely, he would have seen dark figures move past the windows. Or if his senses had been on alert, he would have detected the many (and I mean MANY) unquiet spirits about the place. But he didn't, so he had no idea when they stepped inside.
Stepping into the place, it actually did seem kind of nice. Big, spacious. The price was good. Renovating it would be affordable. Granted, it was a little out of the way, but they wouldn't have to worry about people not wanting to come here since well, their target audience probably would have no choice anyway. So they'd have no lack of visitors. They'd just have to invest in a shuttle bus or something.
Still, how good of a deal it was made Zelo rather suspicious. Maybe the roof leaked or something? "Shall we walk around and take a look?"
The building was the first thing. Then permits, insurance, equipment, supplies. All of that just to stalk it and then there were the interviews and the staff. It was a lot to do and hoped he was up to the challenge.
He pulled out the key the realtor had given him and opened the front door. It creaked, but only for a moment before the doors opened wide. "Lets go!"
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