You hardly should beg the pardon cause...cause...let me think it over... I'm a little bit bewildered...oh, cause initially..there was no essence (provided we understand the essence as the most distinctive element of a thing or idea)..I've...I've just let the stream of subconsciousness out..I know it's trivial but...But it's happened..)) By the way, in turn, forgive MY ignorance...The idiom "to have a skeleton in the cupboard" designates secret? or dirty linen? I can't get my head round this...:)
You got it not quite right. In given context it is not exactly related to shame or disgrace, but rather to the fact that everyone you mentioned in the post has his own "particularities", whether in thinking or doing something. The russian equivalents would be "В каждой избушке - свои поргемушки" or "У каждого в шкафу - свой труп"))
Funny means that all mentioned characters deserve no reproach at all? Simply cause they have their own "particularities"? Could we justify neverending teachin'n'preachin' of them with a help of the single fact - their own "particularities"??? Does the value of definite personality acquits its impudent penetration into another's soul???...Or I've misunderstood ya?
Боюсь, что не смогу ничего дельного сказать ни о ласточках ни о клестах:)) Как показали заметки на страницах вечерних газет, а также интервью с собой, я сам ни чертушечки не возьму в толк, чего же я хотел донести :)) Как съехидничал Эйнштейн: "У нас ИДЕАЛЬНЫЕ СРЕДСТВА, при полной неясности ЦЕЛИ"...и Пикассо: "я сначала нахожу и только потоооом...ищу"...вот так, вот :)))
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