Title: Love You Too (Redone)
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin, mentions of Kyuhyun/Zhou Mi
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst
Summary: Sometimes, things are meant to be. Sometimes, they aren't. And sometimes, what you think was meant to be and what you thought would never happen get flipped around. And there's no way for you to fix it.
Notes:This is basically the
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Comments 32
I don't think I can write a happy ending for this DDD8
Kyu pretty much killed any chance he could ever have with Sungminnie ( ._.)
I love the progression of it, how the relationship first started with Kyuhyun, was supported by Sungmin and was ended by Kyuhyun. The scenes were short, but the conversations told a lot!
I try to get things told more in body language and tone than actual actions. Yay for it actually working? :D
Poor Minnie =( and i can't find myself feeling to bad for Kyu though
Nice job =)
Yeah I can't feel bad for Kyu either, its kinda all his fault :/
Thank you :D
and this makes me dislike Qmi even more *i don't know if your a fan of the pairing and if you are i don't mean to offend you*
and your welcome =)
Ehh I like almost all pairings, but I don't mind if someone else doesn't like them
But why don't you like Qmiii?
I love how you wrote this. It's a story. Not a just oneshot or something similar to it. Though Kyuhyun's like that in the end, I'm siding with Sungmin.
Love this. <3
And well that's goo, you're supposed to side with Sungminnie :D Its all Kyu's fault. /nodnod
Thank yooou :D
Idea is awesome. And the way you wrote it is also bd
I especially like the way it turns from sugary into heartbreaking.
Thanks for writing~ <3
I try my best B)
event hough i hate angst
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