Breaking a Curse, Mending a Heart [Fic]

Jul 31, 2012 08:20

Title: Breaking a Curse, Mending a Heart
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Pairing: Denna/Dennee (aka Dennea!)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3,020
Written for: Read more... )

character: dennee amnell, fandom: legend of the seeker, character: denna, fanfiction: legend of the seeker, landcomm: legendland, pairing: dennea

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Comments 21

adi_dion July 31 2012, 13:06:22 UTC

... )


musicffyou July 31 2012, 17:46:16 UTC
Can I just give a round of hands for this tumblr like review. Thank you!


adi_dion July 31 2012, 18:07:40 UTC
LOL tumblr-like comments are amazing!


theonlyspl August 2 2012, 05:01:14 UTC
if my net wasn't being such a major fail rn I would spam you with gifs :P I'm glad you enjoyed it! And definitely glad it served it's purpose ;) I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

PS: you were right, flawless comment is flawless


cara_cersei July 31 2012, 13:11:44 UTC
wonderful fic, love the tale of love and betrayal you write- truly brilliant!


theonlyspl August 2 2012, 05:02:01 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)


musicffyou July 31 2012, 17:50:36 UTC
This is the first time I've read this ship in a non-crack ship manner and I love it. Chances of me finding more then 10 fics with this pairing I hope are positive because I needed another femslash LOtS pairing. Thanks for posting!


adi_dion July 31 2012, 18:03:30 UTC
You should check theonlyspl's journal, she has some more amazing Denna/Dennee fics. We ship them like WHOA in a non-cracky way :)

And I can say on behalf of both of us that we're glad you love this ship!!! :D


theonlyspl August 2 2012, 05:04:22 UTC
I'm so glad you love it! Only one other person (that I know of) has written about these two and it was in a cracky way :P But I've got a few fics for them myself (and gifs/wallpapers/a video/etc.) and I'm working on some new ones too :D


chickinwhite July 31 2012, 18:07:09 UTC
WOW! Touching to the bones; very well done!


theonlyspl August 2 2012, 05:04:44 UTC
Thank you! :)


mistsofdreams August 1 2012, 18:01:41 UTC
I had never thought about this pairing before, and I must say it's a good fic to start with. So many emotions, nice read. Thanks for sharing.


theonlyspl August 2 2012, 05:05:14 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D


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