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Comments 5

adi_dion February 2 2012, 00:39:51 UTC
Srsly, they all fit perfectly <3

(I love how you made the picspams, btw. Pretty!)


theonlyspl February 2 2012, 00:41:33 UTC
YAY! I'm glad you like! :D


confessoralana February 14 2012, 18:30:21 UTC
LOOOL! 2/5! Not bad, bb!

I looove your blended picspams! can you tell I did mine in hurry? *blush*

I can see Mariska and Sasha as Kate and Lanie! wooo hoooo! :)
I haven't seen much of the gentlemen though to comment on (with the exception of Shemar Moore, of course XD) but if the ladies are any indication, these must be spot on too, bb! =D


theonlyspl February 15 2012, 02:56:37 UTC
haha IKR *high five*

thank you <3 I over did it. and I'm still using the mariska one as my desktop BG

IKR! Mariska as Kate is the only one that was EASY to recast. the others were tough, especially Castle. O.o

oh, my Castle is Sherlock Holmes in the new movies plus he was Larry in Ally McBeal and I swear that character is like a modern Sherlock, AKA a total CASTLE

And my Ryan is from SGA. but here's a neat tid bit, he guest starred in an episode of Birds of Prey, so in that he and Shemar were partners for an episode and I only remembered that after choosing them as Ryan & Espo haha. so its funny how it worked out :D


confessoralana February 15 2012, 14:25:08 UTC
Beckett and Benson could totally be sisters! XD Although, I do think that Benson would eventually shoot Castle but that's a whole other story.

Thanks for the explaining the rest. =D


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