More Deep Thoughts - Coincidence or Conspiracy

May 06, 2024 07:55

Well, maybe not that deep, but this is something fun I was thinking about.

I tend to have a great memory for small things and useless facts, so I am always aware of coincidences. I'm the person who will have some song she hasn't heard in years stuck in her head, and then is excited when she hears it on the radio the next day.

It feels as if ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

chocolate_frapp May 6 2024, 20:40:14 UTC

I love a good roast beef or steak but it has to be rare as far as I'm concerned. If someone prefers it more cooked that's their business but to me that's like trying to eat leather.


theonlyrachel May 7 2024, 12:52:21 UTC

Agreed. That's why if I'm doing the cooking, I won't do it. I won't cook something like a nice beef tenderloin for a family occasion because I have family members who like it overcooked. I have done other beef roasts where there are ends people can take if they don't like it rare, but there are some cuts that aren't going to have those overdone ends.


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