Deep Thoughts

Apr 30, 2024 15:10

Or maybe not that deep, but some things I have been pondering.

I'm back in the office two days a week now. Kevin has a small rolling carryon bag that I have been using to tote my laptop back and forth. It's working well. I'm happy to be able to socialize with people again. Also, it gives me some new places to take my lunchtime walks.

The pain is ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

chocolate_frapp May 1 2024, 19:46:20 UTC

I was bullied and i have never wanted anything to do with Trump. I know a bully when I see one.


theonlyrachel May 2 2024, 13:06:26 UTC

I think it's a certain type of bullying victim that is attracted to Trump. There are those who develop empathy when bullied and there are those who develop a hard shell and decide they want to take revenge on the world. I definitely know some people who are the latter. The funny thing is many of them have sought solace in religion and while religion can be a welcoming space for those who are in pain, religion can also be harsh to outsiders. Religion ought to teach people more empathy, but often gives them a sense of moral superiority and that sense of superiority gives them a reason to look down on and disparage others. If you are drawn to a traditional religion, you are probably attracted to authoritarianism, and thus attracted to an authoritarian strongman who will help you dispatch your enemies and make you feel good about putting other people down (or threatening to destroy them).

Also, some former bullied people are emotionally vulnerable and have low self-esteems, so they can easily fall prey to a strong personality who will ( ... )


chocolate_frapp May 2 2024, 16:54:15 UTC

you make some excellent points. I am an atheist but I was brought up religious and one thing that made me walk away from religion was the authoritarianism.


zestfive May 6 2024, 23:09:16 UTC
I don't know that I ever wanted to spy on people but I sure love to lurk and read about other people's long as I have room in my life. I think this might be also why I like reading the obituaries.


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