The Character Guide is different from the Illustration book and contains lots of comics and illustrations not available in the other. I scanned in the Meruvis+Chrodechild comic for
factorielle but only the three pages are edited, the rest is translated in script form. Also including some earlier scans of Asad's profile page and an illustration spread. :'D
Meruvis' character manga! Set right before the battle at Pharamond.
Meruvis: "If the princess is safe, one day we can reclaim the kingdom."
Even as I told myself this, I felt shamed by my own powerlessness...
His Highness... Lady Fredegund...
Meruvis: ... It's something like a "wish"...
Chrodechild: So if your wish comes true, you'll cut it?
That's unlike you.
Roberto: Princess, Sir Meruvis.
The two Furious Roar scouts have returned. They're meeting in the Great Hall now.
Meruvis: Until we have freed Astrasia...
And I can see the two of them smile together again, with my own eyes...
Chrodechild: Meruvis...
If ever...
Chrodechild: If your wish ever does come true, will you let me cut it for you?
Meruvis: As you wish, Princess...
Asad's profile page!
Illustration by Mikisato (character designer for Astrasia, pirates, Scribes besides Liu, Wanderers besides Diadora...)
Sorry about the gutter. The spine of this book makes me sad. .___.