Tutorial: 01 - Retouching using History Tool

Oct 22, 2005 16:58

Okydoky, well I've been asked how I get the smooth skin effect in my icons but unlike most people, I don't use the blur tool as I find it difficult to control, especially around the edges of the face. Basically, I don't like using the blur tool, so what do I use?
The History Tool.See not many Photoshop users use this or, heck, know what it is so I ( Read more... )

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Comments 22

yr_toxic October 22 2005, 16:32:14 UTC
Holy Bejeesus! This is awesome@ I'm totally saving it :D


moonlight_fae October 22 2005, 16:35:49 UTC
I've always wondered how to use this tool and now I'm really excited about it, it seems so much better than blur!


shadow_of_me October 22 2005, 16:57:40 UTC
This is just amazing :) definitely works a lot better then the Blur Tool. Thanks a lot for posting it.


lacontessa11 October 22 2005, 17:24:53 UTC
Thank you so much for sharing! I can't wait to try that.


nylons October 22 2005, 17:27:29 UTC
Whoa. That looks awesome. Thanks for making it so easy. I'll try that sometime.


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