Title: Manila Folders and Ball Point Pens
Pairing: Jim/Pam
Rating: Pg-15
Summary: Pam has to stay to do late inventory with Jim, which Roy isn’t too thrilled about. She’s decided after a few hours she doesn’t care…
Spoilers: Season 2 after “The Client”
Disclaimer: Ok I own nothing…but if I did Jim would be next to me =]
Chapter 4: Rooms and Paper Cuts
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Comments 2
"He kept trying to remember how many bandages it took to wrap around his heart after he kept letting her back in. "
I have to say, I just loved these two lines way too much. You have a fantastic way with words, and Jim/Pam just made my night. :) I really loved the scenes of them picking up their clothing from the night before and trying to smell each other on them. I've tried that a few times and I'm glad I'm not the only one that fails. :D
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