
Jul 28, 2009 05:31

I dunno, call me crazy, but I think calling an author a "bitch" in a public forum, regardless of whether or not that person is a member of said public forum, is very bad form.  But, maybe it is just me...

The weather hereabouts in PA has gone wacky.  Here it is the end of July when, normally, we'd be sweltering in 90-100 degree heat and shriveling ( Read more... )

stargate sg-1, movies, harper's island, real life, television

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Comments 31

nakeisha July 28 2009, 12:09:43 UTC
It's not just you at all - I'd say that was totally out of line.

Ooh, I'm glad the weather is better than it normally is. Let's hope it stays that way throughout August.

I'm glad to hear your mom is recovering well - *Keeps good vibes coming*

Your sister's bones glow! Wow. Continued good thoughts for her surgery.


thenightsfall July 29 2009, 11:32:23 UTC
Yes, it bothered me a lot, especially since I don't think the person who said it will be called out for it by the mods. One of those clique-y things. I really don't get why it's "okay" because the person being called a "bitch" isn't a member of the list in question.

Keeping my fingers crossed on the weather! It's been most unusual, but also most welcome. (Though I am tired of dealing with a flooded basement. ::g::)

Thanks for the good vibes. They are much appreciated. :-)

::whispers:: I'm tellin' ya, my sister's an alien. ;-)


nakeisha July 29 2009, 15:13:29 UTC
It would have bothered me too and it's totally out of order. And you know the author's going to find out about it. So wrong of the Mods. I hate these clique-y things.

I bet it's been welcome. I can imagine you are. We've had a lot of rain too, so much so that if we don't get a couple of dry days one after the other soon, Lacey is going to vanish into the lawn - as it is she has to bound through parts.

You are very welcome.

Ahhh. I see.


thenightsfall July 31 2009, 13:53:40 UTC
Cliques are murder for fandom. And, yep, just because it's presumed the author isn't a member (Ever thought she might be there under another name, mods??), she might have friends or someone there who might feel it's their duty to pass it on. And even if that doesn't happen, points can't be made in a way that aren't personally insulting and inflammatory? Yeesh, that's Fandom 101!

Aw, I bet she's cute when she does, though. :-)


callygal1 July 28 2009, 12:47:56 UTC

Glad to hear your mom's doing ok and Lol@ being at your
mercy for cooking. If that were me it would be so true
cause my cooking is terrible!!

calling an author an bitch in a public forum? Bad taste,
bad manners, and sounds like an overall jerk to me. The
person writes stories, she/he isn't there to change the

I want to see Children of the Gods, but I have read some
reviews where things were cut that i enjoyed. Your words
do make me curious as I came into the fandom only two
months ago that TPTB know what certain fans want from the
show and stick it to them. Can I ask what you think
this pertained to in the show? I know the fans had a lot to do with
bringing Michael Shanks back to the show, but other than that I'm clueless.


thenightsfall July 29 2009, 12:10:40 UTC
Thanks for the kind thoughts for my mom. Luckily, I'm not a bad cook, just one with a... limited repertoire. ::g::

Bad taste, bad manners, and sounds like an overall jerk to me.

::nods: I can't disagree.

Oh, yes, getting MS back on the show was thanks to the Save Daniel Jackson campaign, for sure. I wasn't in the fandom at the time - Didn't get there till Season 7. - but I would've been one of 'em if I had been.

As to the PTB, you can glean a lot about their motives and agendas, apart from what the overall SG-1 story actually needs, in the plethora of articles and interviews with them at Stargate Solutions, etc., and The Alpha Gate list is a font of info and insight because of the many long term fans, many of whom were involved in the SDJ campaign.

One of the things it can most be seen in onscreen, IMO, is the Jack and Sam "are they or aren't they" relationship. They know there's a very loud-spoken contingent of fans who want Jack and Sam to get together, definitively, in canon, so they throw them a tease every now and then ( ... )


callygal1 July 30 2009, 19:22:08 UTC
Interesting. Yes, I had noticed the on and off again relationship between Jack and Sam.

I'll have to watch Wormhole Xtreme and 200 again. I remember the first one and I enjoyed it but didn't see
anything that I took in that manner. I haven't watched the
show long enough having only stumbled on it this summer.

I did notice how annoyed I was at character based episodes
after season 6 and the lack of use of Jack in 7 or 8. No wonder he left! I noticed the lack of "team" episodes which seemed to right itself when Mitchell and Vala were brought in.

Must explore further!
thanks for taking the time to share ur thoughts!


thenightsfall July 31 2009, 14:28:50 UTC
I had noticed the on and off again relationship between Jack and Sam.

Well, there's never been an onscreen relationship between them at all (Thankfully!), at least not of that type. RDA was very proud of the Air Force's endorsement of the show, and early on said he wouldn't play the 'ship because of the regs forbidding it. AT does what the producers tell her, though, hence the occasional DEOD (Doe Eyes of Death, as they're called in fandom, when she makes the googly eyes at "Sir.") It all comes across as very one-sided and diminishes Carter's character, I think.

Unfortunately, there's rumors the 'ship might rear its ugly head again when AT guests in Universe.

I remember the first one and I enjoyed it but didn't see
anything that I took in that manner.

A lot of the digs become more obvious after you've seen and/or read the interviews and such that are out there with TPTB, and you get to know their mindsets and biases.

I did notice how annoyed I was at character based episodes ( ... )


moonstorm July 28 2009, 12:51:28 UTC
Yes, calling someone a 'bitch' is very bad form...regardless of the forum.

We've been having similar weather here in MO, not the daily rain, but the not-sorching temps. We've had a few days of 90+, but not many. Makes me worry for August...no telling what it will be like.

I agree about there being nothing on to watch. Most of my shows now are reality-type shows (I will be lost without Deadliest Catch).


thenightsfall July 29 2009, 11:50:12 UTC
Yes, it's very bad form, but I'm not holding out hope anything will be done about it, I'm sad to say.

I've been delighted by our cooler than usual temps, though am getting tired of the flooded basement! Here's hoping August will be just as cool, 'cause I truly hate hot weather. :-/

I'm afraid I fall into the reality show trap, too, when the slate of scripted shows is this dull. Hopefully, the fall season will bring some good stuff. I'm looking forward to the V reboot!


atdelphi July 28 2009, 15:02:28 UTC
Funnily enough, I think I re-joined the very forum you're talking about just in time to see that, and it made me do a double-take.

I'm glad to hear your mother's doing well. :-)


thenightsfall July 29 2009, 11:38:25 UTC
Oh, I didn't know you were in that fandom, too! Cool. :-) Not cool that poster's comment.

I'm glad to hear your mother's doing well. :-)

Thank you! :-)


atdelphi July 29 2009, 15:37:42 UTC
I used to read in that fandom voraciously back in the day and it was a wonderful surprise to recently discover that there are still a few people writing one of my favourite pairings. :-)


gemspegasus July 29 2009, 01:57:21 UTC

No, I son't think that is good form at all.

You could send the rain down this way, we need it. It's been super hot here.

Glad to hear about your mom. And your sister's bones glow...wow. Both of them are in our thoughts and prayers...Sending postive energy waves their way as well as yours and to the other members of your family.

take care


thenightsfall July 29 2009, 11:43:22 UTC
Yep, that kind of comment doesn't make for a fun list experience.

Oh, I'd love to send some of our rain your way if I could. Here's hoping some will come your way.

My sister's glowing bones are a cause of fascination to her doctors, but they don't think it's cause for concern, thankfully. She's got enough on her plate.

Thank you so much for your kind thoughts and prayers. As always, they are appreciated. I hope all is well with you and yours. :-)


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