drabble-a-thon [baby you're the storm]

Jun 12, 2006 14:42

so, yes. it's hurricane time in part of the world. currently, a little guy name Alberto is kicking it a couple hundred miles off the coast from me. he's not forecast to come ashore north of here until tomorrow, but already roads are flooding, beaches are eroding and I'm getting bored with being stuck inside.

so, in his honor, and as is my own random ass tradition, I present a little drabble-a-thon.

2006 hurricane drabble-a-thon numero uno

the rules are pretty simple: write a drabble or ficlet about your femslash pairing of choice and alcohol. make it funny, sexy, angsty, whatever. just have fun working on it and then share it with us in the comments to this post.

or, if you're not in the mood or don't have time to write something, leave a prompt in the comments so other writers can have a go at your favorite pairing or scenario.

spread the word and share the love. and remember, feedback is a thing of beauty, not unlike a pina colada on a sunny day at the beach.
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