Some of the Buffyverse fic I Enjoyed in October

Nov 12, 2018 23:40

It so happens that the first three of these are more angsty/upsetting, and the rest are made of joy.


Olly Olly Oxen Free by beer_good. 
Dawn, T, 774w, complete
Insidious. ^^

Magister by Gilescandy
Vamp!Giles/Multiple, Giles/Willow, E, 58,953w, complete
Well-plotted and exciting. I saw on tumblr that some people kind of minded Giles being an absolute hunk of a vampire. What can I say. I didn't.


In the After World by katleept ( backup link)
Spike&Willow and Spike/Buffy, PG, 858w, complete
Amazing what she did to that poor prompt "sun, sweet, spell".

Inner Child by Cockney Cecilia (EF link)
Spike/Buffy, R, 5,880w, complete
A fun time & a masterfully wielded dictionary-format summary.

Truth Be Told by sandy_s
Spike/Buffy, PG-13, 8,851w, complete
I'm unable to be objective about this story, but also, I must mention it, because Sandy wrote me into it.Feels like the indulgent self-insert fic I would never admit I wanted, where I meet Spuffy and help solve their relationship issues, Giles drools over my library, I share a moment of understanding with Spike, did I mention my house is 80% books, I totally kick butt and I have GOOD HAIR, and also I do science, and I might be hooking up with Willow in the future (or did I just imagine that part). \o/ From the other comments, I see that some people enjoyed the story without the amazing custom-crafted immersion effect. :D Some neat things besides me did happen there, very probably more neat things than I remember... oh right, it fixes the fallout of season 12! And Buffy crafts a good metaphor... it's rambling, much like her cookie dough speech, but I like where it goes.

Loud by bewildered
Spike/Buffy, NC-17, 13,635w, complete
Good times, featuring some amazing insight into "Hush", an entertaining Giles, a barometer... Spike appreciating Buffy's muscles... generosity and richly poetic Spike POV, and, oh yeah, the hot smut, of course.

Rewritten by Sigyn
Spike/Buffy, Giles/Anya, Xander/Willow/Tara, PG-13, 23,026w, complete
An utterly delightful "Tabula Rasa" canon divergence, nigh incredibly carefree compared to most of Sigyn's work.
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buffyverse, fic recs, spuffy

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