> see it coming from a mile away - saving the day [ .50 OT3 | Old Spock ]

Aug 10, 2009 16:06

So what do you think this energy leak would exactly be, Bones? Dilithium Crystal leaks? Radiation?

[ Eventually, Kirk had just stopped running and let Bones catch up to him. They had just left Northern Sickbay and explained to a grumpy older Bones that they were doing errands. He sent a side glance at his best friend as he shuffled around in the ( Read more... )

beth: spock (2258.50), holmes: james t. kirk (2258.50), rumi: spock (2258.50/2387), * genesis, watson: leonard mccoy (2258.50), !closed, [location] observation deck

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Comments 174

hippocraticly August 10 2009, 23:40:06 UTC
[McCoy re-adjusted the black satchel he had slung over one shoulder, filled with anything that might help after the vague threat from Holly, and held a medical tricorder in his other hand as he regarded his friend standing next to him. He raised an eyebrow at the question before looking upwards as the turoblift hummed to life to take them to their destination.]

How the hell should I know? I just want to stop it before it has any ill effects on everyone.


icanhaslogic August 10 2009, 23:57:15 UTC
[It was all well and good to take a break on the observation deck, but he had had enough of breaks recently and he had spent enough time here for one day. So this had him waiting for a currently occupied turbolift, which, conveniently, stopped on the same floor he stood on with his two crewmates standing in it.


Might I ask where you are headed?


canyonsiniowa August 10 2009, 23:59:39 UTC
Spock, just the man we were looking for.

[ He stepped out of the turbolift and forward, grabbing the Vulcan's arm as he began striding down the observation deck. Oh, who was good? He was. ]


hippocraticly August 11 2009, 00:03:15 UTC
[McCoy sidled out the turbolift after the giddy Captain leap out and suppresses the urge to groan out loud as Jim grabbed the Vulcan and began to drag him along for the errand. While a science officer would be a logical choice to bring along for this leak the hologram informed them about, the doctor was disgruntled nonetheless by their extra party member and complained:]

Why are you involving him in this?


preferablynot August 11 2009, 07:32:12 UTC
[ why he kept listening to the infantile suggestions from one young james t. kirk was beyond him. yet, as it were, here was old ambassador spock, leaning over the railing of the observation deck with a bag of grapes in one hand and one of the tiny, green fruits held in the fingers of the other. he was too old for this, too old to be following jim kirk around and ensuring that he didn't do something stupid that would end up killing him. maybe if he hadn't retired from starfleet and gone off to romulus to work on reunifying his planet and theirs, his kirk wouldn't have gone on that press nightmare that was the enterprise-b's launch. tolian soran would've never been found. that nexus would've never trapped him.

what ifs. he was haunted by them. what if he got to romulus sooner and stopped the sun faster? what if he'd fired upon nero? what if. always what if. for a vulcan, he was awful uncertain. ]


canyonsiniowa August 11 2009, 09:23:07 UTC
[ just as if the elder spock was the younger one, jim kirk slid next to him and raised his eyebrows at the expression. honestly he didn't think that he would throw grapes at people. but he did. and it was an amazing thing to behold. even if bones and the younger spock couldn't appreciate their bonding.

he leaned over and looked down at the deck below. ]

You busy?


icanhaslogic August 11 2009, 09:29:06 UTC
[He nodded once at his older counterpart as a way of greeting, remaining silent to let Jim explain the situation as he himself knew only the basics in the first place, and in the second it was simply easier, more logical, to have one person divulge the information rather than to make the declaration in disjointed pieces, tenuously tied together, delivered from several individuals.]


hippocraticly August 11 2009, 09:35:26 UTC
[There he is, holding that bag of grapes, McCoy thought darkly as he stood next to Spock with a face of stone for the elder Vulcan.]


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