.{You Just Stand There And Stare}. [Spock .50 | Open]

Jul 11, 2009 21:11

[Spock has escaped from left sickbay, it seems. He now wanders the halls by himself, not entirely certain or entirely caring where he is. The pain in his head is just too much. That sound just beyond the range of hearing still hurts and still will not end its tormenting song.

And those voices. His crew is leaving him, despite all he does to keep them together. First a few, and now a steady stream of resignations, only, when he turns to find them, they have gone, leaving him with their decision and not waiting around long enough to hear his refusal to accept further dismissals.

He stumbles, falls hard into a wall and slides down it to the floor, curling his knees into his chest and folding his arms around them.]

No. I will not. Any concerns that you might have will need to be discussed with the captain when he returns to his duties. I will accept nothing.

beth: spock (2258.50), holmes: james t. kirk (2258.50), * whale arc, [location] hallway, carlee: nyota uhura (2258.58)

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