hate to mention it after you spent so long re-doing this, but some of the links don't seem to be working hon. well, most of them actually *runs and hides*
Thank you for telling me!! I will get right on this, hopefully after some alcohol, hahaha. Dunno why I'm having such a bear of a time with this business.
Fix't! I guess the error happened because Microsoft Word automatically changes URLs into links, when I was trying to make a basic HTML copy, so I got a lot of extra quotation marks and such.
yay, all working now, I can go catch up/re-read etc :)
yeah Word is a bit of a pig for doing HTML in as it messes with it, adds it's own bits that you really don;t need, I usually type HTML out in notepad instead, that doesn't add/change things like Word does
Comments 4
Thank you for telling me!! I will get right on this, hopefully after some alcohol, hahaha. Dunno why I'm having such a bear of a time with this business.
Hooray all better!
yeah Word is a bit of a pig for doing HTML in as it messes with it, adds it's own bits that you really don;t need, I usually type HTML out in notepad instead, that doesn't add/change things like Word does
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