
May 25, 2013 17:24

Parallels, Doctor/Rose/TenII, pg
They will run along the surface of that Earth for a while, he thinks, then their coral will be grown and they will run among unknown stars and they will be brilliant together. , 941

Parallels )

challenge 010, cehlainz

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Comments 5

fogsblue May 25 2013, 23:38:57 UTC
Ohhh, it's odd, but I works so well for this. I like the overlapping thoughts, sort of showing the Doctor is still the Doctor.

And the ending, perfect.


cehlainz May 26 2013, 04:04:03 UTC
Oh thank goodness, I've been worried that it would be rubbish. I've never written something in this kind of dual-narrative way, and I was worried it would be too difficult to follow. I wrote and rewrote the A/N hoping it would help. :D


charlottetrips May 28 2013, 17:10:03 UTC
I absolutely loved the style you wrote this in. The parallels show that they are the same man at heart except one isn't staying with her and living the life of keeping Rose out of trouble while the other is. They're both so fierce in how they feel about her. It was like reading 1 1/2 stories! :)


cehlainz May 28 2013, 23:26:24 UTC
Thank you! It sort of just grew on it's own, I really didn't know it was going to be like this when I sat down and started writing it. :) I have seen a TON of stories about how Rose has to keep TenII out of trouble in Pete's World, but I think a woman who was willing to Dimension Jump over and over again is likely to get into trouble herself. I like to think they have to keep each other in check.


charlottetrips May 29 2013, 01:08:44 UTC
What is it with stories that just take you somewhere you hadn't planned on going? Isn't the writer supposed to be in charge? :P

You have a point there with Rose being the one to keep out of trouble. She was a brave brave woman in my eyes.


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