Many The Miles, Nine/Rose, NC-17
“So,” he said, urging her to shift to the passenger seat so he could climb into the driver’s side, “what do you think about this road trip?”
She laughed, pulling her hair back up and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “I’d say it was one of your better ideas yet.” (4,072 words)
“...of all the stupid, idiotic things that you could do,” groused Rose )
Comments 8
He kissed her finger and shifted it away. “As I was sayin’, Rose, an’ I love you too, all right?”
Something inside her started to swell -- love, or happiness, or euphoria, or simply the pieces of their little world finally falling into place. She looked down at him, lying over her, his face alight with pleasure. With love. “Oh, Doctor,” she whispered.
There is so much love and tenderness between the two of them. Maybe tonight Rose, maybe tonight....
And heck yeah, Rose'll be getting some action tonight. :D
The premise is so wonderful. The Doctor and Rose on a road trip across America. Perfect. Then throw in an abundance of UST, the good old "only one room with one bed" plot and then to top it all some hot and steaming RST.
And what do you get? An absolutely wonderful fanfiction!
Thanks so much!
Thanks, seriously. :) And I think Rose and the Doctor works best without the aliens and the running (although that's part of the fun), you know, the quiet moments in between.
And you're welcome. Hope the rest of your evening was awesome as well. :D
Are you planning to write a follow-up?
I don't know yet about a sequel for this, simply becuse I rarely write multi-chap.
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