Fic: Always

Feb 05, 2011 00:37

Always, Ten/Rose, PG-13, She wakes up alone and for some reason that frightens her. Terrifies her, really.  768 words

Fic )

challenge 66, :amberfocus

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Comments 21

thenakedcupcake February 5 2011, 09:23:10 UTC
Oh, thank you. I've had a shit week, and this so warm and lovely. It touches my heart on a visceral level.

Beautiful morning after. Just gorgeous.


amberfocus February 6 2011, 17:38:28 UTC
Well, I'm sorry it was a rough week and I'm very glad the fic could help make it better! *smiles*


wickedgillie February 5 2011, 13:58:56 UTC
I do believe crap weeks are going around and this lovely little fic was like a balm. Bless!


amberfocus February 6 2011, 17:39:17 UTC
Oh, that's too bad, but I'm happy if this made you feel better. :)


fid_gin February 5 2011, 15:34:36 UTC
This is very lovely. I always have such a soft spot for morning-after-the-first-time fics, it's like a whole new level of intimacy. Having sex, that's just biology...what comes after? Well done! :)


amberfocus February 6 2011, 17:40:05 UTC
Thank you. Yeah, I feel the same way about morning after fics. The reaction is always so interesting to write.


jessalrynn February 5 2011, 17:43:29 UTC
*cuddles the fic* I've had a WEEK. Thank you so much for the cheer up!


amberfocus February 6 2011, 17:40:41 UTC
Another person with a rough week? My, itreally is going around. *HUGS* So glad the fic could help.


professor_spork February 5 2011, 18:24:39 UTC
*happy sigh* Okay. I'm good now.


amberfocus February 6 2011, 17:41:02 UTC
*grins* Thank you.


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