Challenge 42

Jul 11, 2010 22:25

The TTU Ficathon

So, apparently, our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY up and passed us by without our noticing! Completely unacceptable, WE KNOW, and so tonight, we bring you a unique opportunity: A ficathon, open to everyone, not just members. Just follow the rules behind the cut, make sure the Doctor and Rose make out at least once per fic (not an actual rule, ~per se~, but STRONGLY ENCOURAGED), and have such a blast your children's children are still talking about it 100 years from now.

- Post prompts. Doctor/Rose centered, and only one prompt per comment. This part of the ficathon will only be open until Tuesday, July 13th, 9pm EST, to ensure that there aren't more prompts than fics.

- You may, however, write for prompts throughout the entire ficathon, no matter the cut off date for leaving them. Start right away or wait until last minute (please don't), it's your prerogative.

- Suitable prompts are words, phrases, places, pictures, settings, lyrics, quotes, what have you. This bit is flexible, just try to keep it vague enough that you're not practically writing the fic itself already!

-All prompts are fine, from G rated to adult. Crossovers are accepted, just specify which fandom you want to crossover with DW.

- Reply to prompts here. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS POST WITH ANYTHING OTHER THAN PROMPTS, FICS, AND FEEDBACK. There's a separate comment thread takethewords has opened up for questions and the like. Multiple responses are great, and you can even respond to your own prompt if you like.

- The limit on comments is 4,300 characters. If your piece turns out to be longer feel free to link to the whole fic in your comment.

- FEEDBACK FEEDBACK FEEDBACK. Seriously, guys. We want at least as many comments telling writers how awesome their fic is as comments we get with actual fic.

- This is a NON-COMPETITIVE challenge, obviously. No voting, no master lists, just a lovely bunch of fics inspired by a lovely bunch of prompts, free for the reading and writing.

- The ficathon will end on Sunday, July 18th, at 9pm EST.

- PIMP THIS LIKE IT'S YOUR JOB. Which, Members, it kind of is. Right up there with writing. TALLY-HO.

ETA: Please limit your prompts to the Doctor and Rose one on one: no threesomes. Mickey can be there, but he won't be getting any loving, capice?


HOWEVER: You MAY still turn in replies to prompts. Just note that the challenge is officially over and until we say otherwise it's back to members only posting.

challenge 42, -ficathon

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