Sorry for the delay, darlings, but as I'm sure you all know it's finals week around the universities, so I've been under a deluge of terrible horrible no good finals related papers and other nonsense.
But we're back! With a challenge based all around our favorite songs and how we'd like to set a million trillion fics of the Doctor and Rose to them. Which is exactly what you get to do here; pick a song, any song, and use it in your fic however you feel works. You can use a few lines for inspiration, insert it into the story, au it up so they were there during the first recording or even inspired the song itself, THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS. As you no doubt are used to by now when it comes to our otp.
1. This challenge ends in TWO WEEKS, Saturday, May 5th at 9pm EST.
2. You may enter up to three times.
3. Keep your fic Doctor/Rose focused. Remember, they are totally into each other, guys!
4. Please tag your entry with your usernames and the challenge number.