1. My Best Flirting Technique.. is simply this. "Woman! I demand A Hug!" usually. it works.. but i get nothing else ever.. so.. i need a new srategy.
2. How do you fix a sticky keyboard? The same way you fix anything sticky.. Just add Water!
3. Ah.. now this question is a question that confuses guys as well. Why are Guys Confusing?... The fact is.. we aren't. we all have a one track mind. That everyone in the world knows. The only reason Women think we do, is cause they look in depth in everything we do. So then, the real question for guys would be, "why are women confusing?".. and that's because our mind doesn't look to deep into things like women..
Example... Flowers on Prom night.
Women: *thinks* How sweet, he loves me dearly..
Guy: *sings in head* Gonna get laid tonight, gonna get laid tonight.. woot
The man gives the girl a compliment
Womens view: Love
Mans view: I better get something good out of that, it took me all day to think up that.
1. Yes i have had a girlfriend. Two to answer the other. One was long, the other one lasted me a grand total of like.. two hours. Beat that.
2. I cannot answer this question. It is hard to answer is why. Not because i'm a depressed low-life who believes his whole world fell to shambles the moment he was born, but because there are so many. I cannot judge. But i can tell you that the majority happens when i'm with my group.
3. That's a good question.. The best one.. in my opinion, would be, either Rythm and Police or ... i don't know.. i like a lot of them. Burning Heat, break down, Max, V, R3, Love shine.. etc...
Comments 7
2. How do you fix a sticky keyboard?
3. Why are guys so confusing?
2. How do you fix a sticky keyboard? The same way you fix anything sticky.. Just add Water!
3. Ah.. now this question is a question that confuses guys as well. Why are Guys Confusing?... The fact is.. we aren't. we all have a one track mind. That everyone in the world knows. The only reason Women think we do, is cause they look in depth in everything we do. So then, the real question for guys would be, "why are women confusing?".. and that's because our mind doesn't look to deep into things like women..
Example... Flowers on Prom night.
Women: *thinks* How sweet, he loves me dearly..
Guy: *sings in head* Gonna get laid tonight, gonna get laid tonight.. woot
The man gives the girl a compliment
Womens view: Love
Mans view: I better get something good out of that, it took me all
day to think up that.
What is your favorite memory?
What's the best DDR song? (=D)
2. I cannot answer this question. It is hard to answer is why. Not because i'm a depressed low-life who believes his whole world fell to shambles the moment he was born, but because there are so many. I cannot judge. But i can tell you that the majority happens when i'm with my group.
3. That's a good question.. The best one.. in my opinion, would be, either Rythm and Police or ... i don't know.. i like a lot of them. Burning Heat, break down, Max, V, R3, Love shine.. etc...
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