The Walking Dead: I mean I'M JUST SAYIN' OKAY

Oct 11, 2014 14:40

Series-wide themes for The Walking Dead, continued! ( S1 & 2 themes here.) Gettin' right down to the real nitty-gritty really this time! Starting with, the big three overarching motifs I've actually noticed: time, water, and signs. (Well, and also using injuries/appearance/behaviour to signal links between characters, but I'll get to that later.)

I have, like ... a lot of the Big Three )

musetastic: character stuff, category: ... huh, storyworks, daryl is awesome always forever the end., the brothers dixon, musetastic: tv/episode, i am of the people of the long wind, the walking dead, unrepentantly opinionated

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im_ridiculous November 2 2014, 09:55:10 UTC
... MAN, viewing this series just through the "survival" lens is depressing. No wonder people get so bummed.
....inorite? yeeesh.

Good points re: Daryl. And yeah, look, whatever DOES happen to him, I can't see him disappearing until the end or very close to. He's just too useful from a story (and, let's be mercenary about this for a moment, ratings and show popularity) perspective.

Dude. Glenn is EFFED.He..... he really is, isn't he? I've been trying to actively avoid spoilers, because no matter how I started out with this show... I can't fight it. I'm a don't-watch-spoiled girl at heart. But even so, there's been some general chatter leaking across my field of vision again which is sheer speculation, but... yes. Things are not looking good for poor old Glenn. /o\ But hey! Gareth, meet red handled machete. Machete, meet Gareth... and holy hell, that scene, right? ... I should go talk about that on the appropriate entry though ( ... )


themonkeytwin November 2 2014, 13:43:56 UTC
the fact Maggie didn't actively look for her...

... OhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMG. EXCUSE ME I HAVE AN EDIT TO MAKE. (At the bottom of the post. And I adore you and I will be back at a more civilised hour.)


im_ridiculous November 2 2014, 22:58:24 UTC

Like, the fact WE knew Beth was with Daryl I think masked it, because WE knew Beth was with someone who was going to do their best to keep her safe. ... But the fact is, Maggie was so focused on Glenn (GLENN GO TO TERMINUS), like she'd... well... maybe even just subconsciously thought... 'Beth'll be dead already. Glenn is a survivor who woulda survived, but Beth...' And meanwhile Beth's off going, 'I miss Maggie, I miss the way she used to boss me round, I used to dream of her and Glenn havin' kids' etc etc...

And meanwhile, I reckon Beth's going to survive where Glenn is not. And I can't see Maggie's NOT looking for her, well, NOT coming up. Welp. /o\ And I adore you too. :)


themonkeytwin November 2 2014, 23:57:33 UTC
YES TOTALLY. And I think you're absolutely right, it'll be Beth (and Carol hanging back protectively with her?) hiding while Daryl makes sure things are okay before she comes out. And that this episode will be a flashback instead. I never even thought of that! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh BETH NOOO /o ( ... )


themonkeytwin November 3 2014, 03:39:59 UTC
Wanna know my latest speculatory thoughts? Bad luck, imma tell you anyway.


(By the way, don't take my censoring of my swearing in one or two instances as a cue to do the same if you don't want; it seems monkey-fighting monday-to-friday is my own personal line in the salty sand for what I'll casually sling around - and saying "Glenn is FUCKED" just seemed so harsh /o\ (BUT HE IS THO) - but I don't have a problem with others going as blue as they feel appropriate :))

I'm a little surprised we didn't get a little longer for that/the Hunter storyline to play out
And then the story becomes about how she adapts/the group deals with etc etcOhhhhhh but here's the thing (other than the whole Maggie angle, which the show has helpfully split off to deal with separately and later), I'm now pretty sure it's going to be an extension. Not of the Hunters themselves, that's done, and SO SATISFACTORILY, YES that scene, ALL THE THINGS you said, LOVE IT. But this is the return of Rick the Sheriff, riding into town ( ... )


im_ridiculous November 3 2014, 12:35:34 UTC
While I wait for the magical television fairy to actually freakin work godammit not on a Monday ffs holy HELL why universe WHYYYYYYYYYYY... ahem.

don't take my censoring of my swearing in one or two instances as a cue to do the same if you don't want
Well. :) Look, I take an extremely ad hoc and changeable approach to my sweariness, depending mostly on the mood I'm in and whether I'm having a 'I should really try and swear less' kinda day... So I'm wildly inconsistent, as you've probably gathered. But I certainly appreciate the permission and it's DEFINITELY good to know I'm not offending. Sincerely. :)

it's the choice between the greater world-rescue mission and justice.mmmmm-hmm. uuuuhh-hhuh. yiiiipyipyipyipyipyipyip uuuuhh-huh /sesame street aliens ftmfw :D Indeed. And AIN'T the world just gon' need Rick Grimes. (RICK! \o/... ahem.) EVERYTHING you just said there. I'm so with you ( ... )


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