basically just a whole bunch of things that made me happy and kept me sane

Oct 06, 2011 18:11

I HAVE SUBMITTED MY PAPER!! Or at least the draft. Which I am hoping I won't have to revise too much, after I've discussed it with my prof, but the bulk is done. I F*ING ROCK ( Read more... )

youtoobz, fanfic, cultural spelunking, fic series: crack addiction, leverage, fic series: spn quote!prompt comment!fic, no really what is wrong with me, never mind the buzzcocks, the brothers winchester

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Comments 21

tahirire October 6 2011, 23:26:15 UTC
Okay, firstly, the vid I linked was my ONLY LMFAO experience, until now. So you get to share the blame. Secondly - it's that JACKET. It's so tight. O.o And because he can dance.



themonkeytwin October 6 2011, 23:33:35 UTC
ALL YOUR FAULT. Because I am not in denial AT ALL.

Yeah, I'm ... not sure I really want to look too closely at the why of the hotness. Jacket, you think? Hm. But I DO love their dancing. *cute* And the story line in the two linked ones is just ... musebait. SIGH.

DEEEEEEN. I think we ALL felt that way about Artax. But compound it with his many issues and it just becomes an overarching metaphor for his WHOLE LIFE. *clings with you*


tahirire October 6 2011, 23:36:49 UTC
I am totally not writing extremely dark depressing and yet wrongfully hot probably only to me post 702 fic right now, oh no I am not. I am doing homework like a good - aw, Hell.


themonkeytwin October 6 2011, 23:41:05 UTC
I TOTALLY BELIEVE YOU. Get down with that homework, you good thing! *cheers you while actually waiting eagerly for darkhotfic*


borgmama1of5 October 7 2011, 00:16:26 UTC
The Dean/Lisa one was just...OMG awesomely perfect and heartbreaking! I believe that scene really truly happened!

And the Sam one was heartbreaking in a terrifying way!

Delighted to see stories from you again!!!


themonkeytwin October 7 2011, 01:36:04 UTC
Thanks! It's good to be writing stories again. :):)

I'm really glad the Dean/Lisa story landed for you. The idea was a bit out on a limb, in a way, but it felt right. So I'm glad others see that too. As for the Sam one ... *wibbles*


datenshiblue October 7 2011, 02:39:50 UTC
*hugs Sam forever*

*hugs Adam almost as much*

:P sorry. I have preferences. I know I'm Bad.


Oh Dean :( *radiates love and hurts for him*

Thank you, btw. I never saw Neverending Story, and now I never will.




themonkeytwin October 7 2011, 04:50:07 UTC
Eh. We all have preferences. But much hugging is needed across the board :)

Yeah - there's a lot more to Neverending Story than that, and if you're not planning on getting around to watching it, I don't mind spoiling you that: the happy ending is extended to the boy and the horse both. But still. I don't think it made any difference to Dean. :/ And (if my memories don't exaggerate) the scene was definitely very disturbing.


datenshiblue October 7 2011, 14:53:59 UTC
I'm glad the horse and his boy get a happy ending! ^_^

I think though, like Dean, it would traumatize me - you describe the scene very vividly!

I HATE and react more to seeing bad things happen to animals than to people! <.<;;

*hugs you*

...what? :)


themonkeytwin October 7 2011, 18:44:52 UTC
Yeah, it's awful watching things happen to animals, I can understand that.

<3 *hugs you back* <3


(The comment has been removed)

themonkeytwin October 7 2011, 18:56:14 UTC
Thank you! :) I don't actually know much about starsigns, but I agree, there is a LOT of repression going on there. Compound that with Dean feeling he always needs to be the strong one.... Gah.

Poor Lisa. Even among the annals of intense psychotherapy, there is no manual for Dean. The day-to-day of that had to be rough. And I guess that was part of what I was writing, trying to look at how anyone goes about climbing that mountain with a damaged person that they love.

Glad you liked! :)


bitterlimetwist October 7 2011, 21:32:57 UTC
VICTORY! You absolutely f*ing rock!

One of the happiest days of my life was the day it hit me I was DONE with grad school, and I'd never have to write another paper, or take another exam EVER AGAIN. You're almost there!

I wasted half an hour watching NMTB. Uh, thank you?

I can't read Sam-in-the-Cage fic. Nope. Can't do it.

Your Dean&Lisa was spot on. And now I'm depressed thinking about it. Thanks a lot.

[I will retreat to my happy place, where Sam is a horse. Because I'm twelve.]


themonkeytwin October 8 2011, 06:45:03 UTC

I'm hesitant to really let myself think I'm done because I don't want to find myself totally unprepared for a total revision, which I am praying won't be necessary. But ALMOST THERE, YES.

Like I said - you're welcome :p But ONLY half an hour? Wow. Waaaay better than I usually do. Which one?

I'm fine with you not reading it. I only wrote it because the alternative was that idea hanging around in my head, getting more and more involved and nasty. Definitely a candidate for bunny exorcism.

I'm really glad you think the Dean and Lisa was spot on. This wasn't one of those stories I could think through - I was just feeling my way through it, and that left me feeling a little unsettled. Because I really couldn't consciously connect the dots about why it felt so *Dean* to be especially freaked out that way by it, you know? But it DID feel that way. Idk.

Ooh, if Sam's a horse, then what are Dean and Bobby? :)


bitterlimetwist October 8 2011, 17:23:35 UTC
Here's to ALMOST THERE. *high fives you back ( ... )


themonkeytwin October 9 2011, 05:09:20 UTC
Maybe that's it. Idk. I'm not so good at analysing my own stuff, I guess. But thanks for breaking it down for me a little. It gets to feeling too narcissistic to do that myself. Although I WAS definitely trying to capture the feeling on both sides when both people are trying to deal with one person's deep damage and both keep running into their own legitimate obstacles, and when sometimes they've gone as far as they can.

I love your Sam!horse, Dean!adult and Bobby!supplies. Love. I think you have to make that a crackfic. Not like it would be hard. (Careful with the entendre there.)From what I know, Dermot O'Leary was born in Ireland, but I don't know where he grew up. Sorry for the accent mislead. If you watch the episode where he hosts, there's an Irish comedian with a delightful accent on it. Plus Jedward are Irish. Was that not enough for you? What more could you want? Unreasonable woman. (If you click on the "verbally incontinent" link up there, it has all the times people told them to shut up in that episode. It's kind of ( ... )


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