lookit, Eliot caught Parker again

Sep 11, 2011 12:47

Title: two-parter
Ficverse: Leverage
Series: five times Eliot caught Parker and one time he didn't
Rating: Gen, PG13
Length: 450 ish / 6100 ish
Characters: Eliot, Parker
Teaser: The second time Eliot caught Parker, it was really more of a two-parter.
Notes: I'm cheating. Most of these times occurred in canon. (Anyone interesting in beta-ing to make sure I got them all?) But my muse needs a kick in the pants and hopefully this can still be fun.
Warnings/Spoiler: these are events in 1.09, "The Snow Job".
Disclaimer: Stuff that's not mine is not mine.
Feedback: let's hear it. The good, the bad, the ugly....

Moscow. Ten years ago.

Miami. Four years ago.

The second time Eliot caught Parker, it was really more of a two-parter. In any case they were both during the same job, meaning they got filed together as far as Eliot was concerned.

It was warm and humid and about as far from a Russian winter as it was possible to be, but that didn't occur to him at the time because he hadn't the slightest idea of trying to catch her. But when twenty pounds of crazy does a swan dive out a second story window at a man's head, reflexes have a way of kicking in.

There was movement in his peripherals, and then all he had time for was "Holy-!" His arms were opening and he had no time to brace before her impact drove them both sprawling into the lawn.

"Damnit, Parker -"

She was already rolling off him, before his senses could remind him why this was familar. Half of him was taking stock, making sure nothing was injured, but the louder half of him was bent on scolding her. "A little warning next time! How'd you even know I'd be there?"

"I didn't," she bubbled, unrepentant and much too exhilarated for his liking, and the deep dark archives of his mind flicked up a memory of teenaged eyes and a skeleton key, and the first time he'd broken her fall. His scowl slid into a suspicious look, wondering how much I didn't was really true, or whether there had been some kind of test in there somewhere.

It was not a comfortable thought.

Which was why, several days later, when she copied his question - "What is he doing?" - and stormed after Nate in her hospital gown (or, more accurately, stormed after the $100,000 that Nate was giving their not-on-the-hook mark), he hesitated.

But then the instinct to preserve the job, if not Nate's sorry arrogant drunken ass, propelled him off the MRI bed to catch her once more. She skidded into the hospital hallway, arms wide in frustration, and Eliot gave it maybe a second before she launched herself at them and tried to physically wrestle the check back. He wrapped her in a bear hug, making sure to pin both arms, and managed to get her back through the doorway before she started kicking.

He didn't care about Parker and he definitely didn't care about Nate. But there was a veteran in jail for trying to keep a roof over his wife and kid's head, and if nothing else, Eliot was damn sure going to get this job done.

Los Angelos. Four years ago.
Boston. Two years ago.
Boston. One month ago.
Cairo. Now

fanfic, leverage, fic series: 5 times eliot caught parker

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