not fixit-fic, per se; just ... playing.

May 22, 2011 18:10

Title: watched
Ficverse: SPN
Series: SPN comment!fic
Rating: PG
Length: 1100 ish
Characters: John/Mary
Prompted and posted: from 2.13, Houses of the Holy
Dean: Okay, all right. You know what? I get it. You've got faith. That's - hey, good for you. I'm sure it makes things easier. I'll tell you who else had faith like that - mom. She used to tell me when ( Read more... )

fanfic, fic: one shots, fic series: spn quote!prompt comment!fic, the brothers winchester

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Comments 5

lmx_v3point3 May 23 2011, 09:24:49 UTC
Lovely. It's so good to have resolution for these two, their whole life history seemed to be nothing but the short time with each other and all the pain on either side. Nice, thank you :D


themonkeytwin May 23 2011, 23:04:38 UTC
Exactly. I can't tell you how much I want them together in Heaven. Being the badasses they never knew the other one was! Then it turned more schmoopy than I anticipated, but I guess I can live with that. I'm glad you liked it :)


bitterlimetwist May 26 2011, 19:47:26 UTC
Okay. I didn't want to comment right away because I wanted to let your story sink in, and with all the end of season omgwtfness, it just wasn't. That's not a criticism of your story, it's a criticism of my pathetic brain.

I like this very much. It's funny that you should call it shmoop when I find it so sad. The idea of Mary and John finding each other as the people they really were (or became), is lovely. But man, the idea that they have to spend eternity hunting? Sad. You have made me very sad. Are you happy now?

Also, this story is now haunting my brain. Damn you.


themonkeytwin May 27 2011, 17:57:03 UTC
It's funny that you should call it shmoop when I find it so sad.

Which has always been one of the things I love about Show, that there's always these layers to everything. Humour and tragedy are so mixed up that they're almost always present together.

And, frankly, given the piss-poor nature of Show's Heaven, this was seemed pretty much the best option for them. I mean, I get why they had to do it that way, and I don't blame them. But it doesn't leave us much in the way of options for wrangling vaguely happy endings for the characters. But that's a big ole chunk of musing that I won't drop on you unsolicited :)

You have made me very sad. Are you happy now?

Um, well ... yes. I think I am.


bitterlimetwist May 29 2011, 18:45:50 UTC
"But it doesn't leave us much in the way of options for wrangling vaguely happy endings for the characters."

I know, right? But I still feel like Kripke intends something hopeful at the end. I'm not sure why, but that's the impression I get. Because as much as Show is a tragedy, it's also a show where Love saved the day. Hey look, you get my unsolicited opinion. :)

"But that's a big ole chunk of musing that I won't drop on you unsolicited :)"

Consider yourself solicited, if you're ever in the mood. Heh, that sounds vaguely dirty.

"Um, well ... yes. I think I am."



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