random confessions

Mar 18, 2011 15:33

Due to recently watching the end of BSG and the pressing need to resolve my understanding of the whole damn thing as a coherent story and rewatching it all because I clearly don't have enough tv-related angst in my life (my sit-and-wait policy with SPN's quite understandable recent wobbles being my only way to deal with it), I've been splashing ( Read more... )

battlestar gafraktica, just me passing through, i'm themonkeytwin i'm a samndean addict, curmudgeonly tendencies, random fridays, whedonpoke, conversation!kink, unrepentantly opinionated

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Comments 9

bitterlimetwist March 22 2011, 17:41:04 UTC
*crawls out from under the terrible not-exactly-meta-thing I'm writing ( ... )


themonkeytwin March 23 2011, 05:39:36 UTC
Yay for confessions! :)

If I like a show, I'd rather it go on until it's past its prime, rather than have it die while it's still good.

Ooh, interesting. I think a crappy later season sours my viewing experience of the earlier beloved stuff, just because I know where things are going to end up. :/ Certainly that's what happened with Buffy and Angel, although growing up and maturing tastes probably had a lot to do with that too.

Quirky characters annoy me. They aren't cute or funny, they're usually just irritating.

Preach! :) (Any specific ones you're thinking of?)

Sentimentality - ugh. Turns me right off. I've never watched How I Met Your Mother, but I'm even less likely to now. Cheesiness can be the same, although if it's done knowingly and well (Leverage usually walks that line), I can enjoy it quite a lot. It's all in the execution. But syrup? No thanks, I'm sweet enough....

my hatred of it is all out of proportion to the actual quality of it.Heh. I tried watching it, but couldn't get past the first episode. Something about ( ... )


bitterlimetwist March 23 2011, 19:47:02 UTC
Confessions are a great idea for a post ( ... )


themonkeytwin March 24 2011, 04:22:31 UTC
Oh, the preachiness. Kill me now. Watching the second time around is much, much better because you don't have to sit through it all just in case it does end up turning out to be relevant (answer: not really). There IS some good, crunchy character goodness, but there's an awful lot of pap, too. It's so broad there's something for everyone, though. Quite unlike SPN, there.

And Lorelai. I liked it to begin with, but it did go that direction fast. One of the things I loved about Luke was his (apparent) ability to call her on this crap. I know this is a shallow thing to say, too, but the older the actress looked, the more you just wanted her to GROW THE HELL UP ALREADY.

Aren't they just fun and charming? Uh, no.

Heh. I ❤ you and your snark.

I sometimes watch shows I hate.

Ah, but hate is not indifference. I mean, I have a pretty strong hate-on for LOST in the general sense - I can harangue LOST fans up one side and down the other - but in the specifics, it bores the crap out of me. 24 is similar. Bones, I am indifferent to on a ( ... )


fannishliss March 25 2011, 17:48:40 UTC
Hi. Just have to say, I AM TOTALLY WITH YOU ON THE JAYNE LOVE ( ... )


themonkeytwin March 26 2011, 05:28:42 UTC
HOORAY FOR JAYNE LOVE! (Funny story, I was delayed replying because a friend came over who's just started watching Firefly and so we just watched a Train Job to Shindig. Good times. :)) I don't really know why he's so hot, but he totally is. I sometimes wonder if it isn't because his intelligence (and he IS SO intelligent!) is completely ... sensual. You know? It's all physical - fighting and sexing and tracking and such; he interacts with the world almost entirely through his senses rather than his higher intellect. And in his strengths, he's VERY strong. And that's kind of very primally attractive. I don't know. And of course, Adam Baldwin is really good at layering it, too, somehow. Even though there really aren't that many layers ( ... )


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