random confessions

Mar 18, 2011 15:33

Due to recently watching the end of BSG and the pressing need to resolve my understanding of the whole damn thing as a coherent story and rewatching it all because I clearly don't have enough tv-related angst in my life (my sit-and-wait policy with SPN's quite understandable recent wobbles being my only way to deal with it), I've been splashing around a little in a Kara/Lee BSG comm. Which is helping, so yay.

They recently had a confessions post (full o' spoilers; it's a rewatch-comm, so be warned), which turned out to be quite theraputic, so since I won't have time to finish and post the last part of this crack!fic before I go away for the weekend, I thought I'd spend some time confessing. You know, generally. Well, actually, quite specifically.

1. I have a serious Type when it comes to tv boyfriends. Until now, I have had a grand total of three unconditional, unwavering, unflagging crushes: Al Swearengen, John Winchester (although not young!John), and Jayne Cobb. I really don't care how (conventionally) amoral and ruthless they are, they can do pretty much anything and I will still be rooting for them. Which is not to say I'm glad when they do bad things, but it doesn't cause so much as a skip in the record for me, nor does it make me want them to change who they fundamentally are. Of course, that could also be a function of their characters being the type that you expect them to do amoral and ruthless things.

I don't know what those attractions say about me. O.o

2. But add a fourth to the list: Noah Puckerman, better known as Puck on Glee. He is rapidly becoming a full member of the ranks. It's not just Mark Salling and the mohawk (although wowza, and, uh ... yeah ... well that's going on the icon roster; good thing this is a confession post), although the fact that he sings and plays guitar and dances definitely helps. As does the fact that he's in his late twenties, and as such actually attractive, unlike the rest of the tadpoles on that show. It's not even just the way he moves, although I'll admit that is ... distracting. It's just ... he may not be very smart, or particularly principled, but he never pretends (most importantly to himself) to be anything but what he is. And maybe that's a core part of the attraction to those other guys, too. They don't fool themselves about who they are.

3. I guess this means I should also confess to liking Glee. It's total escapist brain candy, and it's FUN, and it's just sharp enough that I don't despise it. I like how everyone has their completely unsypmathetic moments. And I am (*blush*) totally digging Gwenyth Paltrow's appearances on it. I get pretty damn sick of Mr Shue though.

4. I have never liked Buffy. I mostly just find her bratty and annoying. I don't care that the weight of the world is on her shoulders, a factor that in other shows often will buy at least a sop of sympathy from me. But perhaps more confessionally, I've never much liked Xander either. And Willow frequently annoys me too. I like Cordy. And I kind of liked Riley. I didn't even (gasp!) really like Fred (although Illyria was fun).

5. I have an issue with watching intimacy onscreen. Reading it is not quite so bad, since I can control what I'm imagining, although actual porn usually makes me laugh or roll my eyes, and I tend to avoid it wherever possible. I think that's mostly because the porn is only there for the porn's sake, and very rarely actually contributes anything to either the story or the characters. And I'm certainly not willing to spend the time it would take of examples where the descriptions of teh sex service the story rather than ... er, us, I guess.

Back to onscreen intimacy, I have a terrible time watching it, because it throws me right out of the story. I immediately start thinking about how awkward it would be to film, and about the blurring of lines of real and make-believe, and if either of the actors are in relationships and what their partners really feel about watching that. (Onscreen violence is genuinely make-believe, but even when you stage physical intimacy that suggests more than what is actually going on, the physical proximity is still real and still intimate, if that makes sense.) I don't even really like watching kissing for the most part (also because it often just doesn't look very good), although there are exceptions (spoilers for the ending of Elizabeth Gaskell's North & South, not that it's such a huge shock when it happens or anything).

5.a. But really good conversation totally turns me on.

6. I can't disregard canon. It's there, and I can't pretend that something didn't happen when it's been shown to happen. If it's there, it's there. And I have a hard time reading fic that tries to do that, no matter how well written it is. I'm talking about fixit-fic, not speculative stuff written as tags or explorations of a hiatus cliffhanger or something. I'm also okay with cheerfully AU stuff that is just playing around with "what if?" It's the ones which are basically trying to re-write canon that I struggle with. And of course this only applies to shows/books I actually care about. Mess around all you like with the rest.

7. Harry Potter also annoys the crap out of me.

8. As I've said before, I'm not a shipper by nature, but Kara/Lee catapulted to a whole new level for me with the BSG series finale. They may be my first OTP. I'm okay with that, though. :D

9. I'm making myself giggle with the last part of the crack!fic. I don't know if this is a good thing or not. Also, I honestly slightly disturbed myself with the second part, where Eliot was going about his little restoration project. I was writing it with one eye on myself going, Um ... what is wrong with you? Why is this something you can come up with? Maybe you should stop or something. Or at least ... oh, fine. I guess it is pretty funny.

Okay, your turn. Confess! CONFESS! Or it's the soft pillow and the comfy chair for you! Hahahahaha!!!!!

... I go eat bad food and watch bad movies with good friends nao! Bye!

battlestar gafraktica, just me passing through, i'm themonkeytwin i'm a samndean addict, curmudgeonly tendencies, random fridays, whedonpoke, conversation!kink, unrepentantly opinionated

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