random NEWS!!!1!11!!!!1!

Nov 12, 2010 10:32

Once more, the weekend it turning out busier than it should, although in this case it's because of AWESOME because some friends and I will be getting out of the city to a big old house with a very nice projector and having a Lord of the Rings marathon. Extended versions, of course. And cooking and eating wonderfully tasty and fattening Fall/hobbit ( Read more... )

fanfic, leverage, category: whelmed, musetastic: fanfic, random fridays

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Comments 2

deepbluemermaid November 14 2010, 10:50:57 UTC
Oooh, man. My friends and I did an extended editions LOTR marathon a couple of years ago. 13 straight hours, helped along by pizza, chocolate, coffee laced with booze and then hot chocolate laced with booze.

By the very end I was sobbing like a baby. I mean, I've always cried at the Grey Havens scene anyway - even just listening to the Annie Lennox song can make me weepy - but it seemed so much more powerful in the context of all the movies back to back.


themonkeytwin November 14 2010, 23:04:53 UTC
Confession: this isn't the first time I've done this. This makes the fourth LoTR marathon I've done, since the third one came out in theatres - the cinema showed all three theatrical releases back-to-back to two packed rooms of cheering nerds until about 8 in the morning. Sleep deprivation always seems to be part of these things!

I was actually thinking about the "endless" endings of the movie (and it's hardly their fault; Tolkien was worse), and when you watch them all together, it's just right. You need them. And to be perfectly honest, I was sobbing at things all the way through. There's one scene that always gets me: Eomer finding Eowyn's body on the battle field. Karl Urban, you kill me. Whew. ❤_❤


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