Title: Something with a different meaning
Author: Serialbathera
Fandom: Dawson’s Creek
Prompt: 059 Food
Characters: Gail Leery
Pairings: Gail/Mitch
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Word Count: 138
Summary: Gail tries to deal with Mitch’s death
Disclaimer: These characters are not owned by me
Gail looked through the fridge. She wasn’t hungry but she realized she didn’t remember the last time she or Mitch had gone shopping. Since Mitch’s death the fridge was packed with food.
Well wishers had stocked it with all sorts of dishes. Gail wasn’t even sure what most of it was and had a feeling she probably wouldn’t be in the mood to see it for awhile and probably by then the food would have spoiled.
She remembered they were out of milk, and began to sob. That was what Mitch had gone to pick up when he died.
Gail realized that a once necessity on every shopping list would hold a very different meaning to her now. She felt that every time she thought about it, that she would feel the full weight of Mitch’s death again.