
Sep 23, 2020 18:38

friends only
(dont comment if you cant handle slash)

friends only

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Comments 28

divinadevor May 2 2009, 21:27:24 UTC
I'd love to be added :)


thememoryslides May 3 2009, 10:02:31 UTC


krisseems May 10 2009, 15:26:19 UTC
I would love to read your stuff. Please add me.


callmeadreamer May 26 2009, 03:41:30 UTC
Hi there! I've seen you around and have wanted to comment for awhile. Learning through your userpics that you love Queer As Folk finally convinced me. I JUST watched the entire series a week or two ago and am now obsessed. Plus you love Joy, Dollhouse and many other things I'm interested in as well.
Wanna be friends?


thememoryslides May 26 2009, 08:29:49 UTC
hi yes of course, added :D


callmeadreamer May 26 2009, 08:35:14 UTC
Ooh, yay! I'm Ashley by the way. I was high on sugar when I commented and completely forgot to mention that fact!


thememoryslides May 26 2009, 10:41:30 UTC
LOL its okay, I'm Mel.


salilu May 29 2009, 10:25:01 UTC
Hey Mel.
It's sara (mylu from FF)
mind if i add you? feel free to add me back.


thememoryslides May 29 2009, 12:16:44 UTC
hi sara, of course you can add me :)


salilu May 29 2009, 13:53:39 UTC
will do that,
And hopefully you will add me back too :)
Back to my lovely books.

aw you icon is cute. Think i seen that pic somewhere.


pauliska2 June 30 2009, 22:03:26 UTC
hi, i think you don't remember me but i'm from pauliska2.livejournal and a long long time ago i was on your flist at sarkluver.
i didn't have much time for livejournal so i left it.. but now i'm back (i hope ^^)
so i would love to be on your flist (again ^^)


thememoryslides July 1 2009, 08:23:54 UTC
hey Paula, welcome back! Added you.


pauliska2 July 1 2009, 08:45:40 UTC
thank you, hun ;*


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