Touch and Go (Supernatural, 3188 words, complete)

Jun 25, 2014 03:11

So... I should be posting a new chapter of my longer fic but I have had this idea in my mind all week so in the end I just had to write it and get it out of my system. Next bit of I Don't Trust Me should be up tomorrow or Thursday. I'm pretty happy with this so yes... please let me know what you think!

Title: Touch and Go
Fandom: Supernatural
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sam winchester, gen, supernatural, season 9, jody mills, angst, hurt/comfort, dean winchester

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Comments 57

caranfindel June 25 2014, 10:00:22 UTC
Oh, this is marvelous! A wonderful idea, and beautifully written to boot. Sam's threat to tear "this body," as if it already belongs to someone else, is chilling. I desperately wish Show would address the issue the way you have.


themegalosaurus June 25 2014, 14:00:48 UTC
Ahh thanks I'm glad you picked up on that moment. I do feel like Sam's relationship with his body is a bit more distant than most people's (and if Show ever acknowledged that I would probably explode with joy)


sylvia37 June 25 2014, 13:11:08 UTC
Seriously awesome. I'm so afraid to hope that they'll address some of Sam's story next season. I honestly don't know what I would do without fanfic to fix it. Really nice job.


themegalosaurus June 25 2014, 14:01:29 UTC
Haha me too, fanfiction is such a necessary part of watching Supernatural! I'm so glad you liked this


freya922 June 25 2014, 21:44:57 UTC
This was really extraordinary - AMAZING insight into Sam, and I love how you tie together so many of the violations he's suffered in the past to explain his anguish, post-Gadreel. Fantastic job, and perfect ending.


themegalosaurus June 25 2014, 23:09:02 UTC
Awww thank you and I'm especially happy that you liked the ending... I wasn't sure for a long time about the best way to finish it. (Also: 'amazing insight into Sam'? probably a product of the UNTOLD HOURS I spend brooding on every aspect of his being)


lauehime June 26 2014, 05:14:39 UTC
Wow, now that was something!! I was kinda annoyed this season with Sam not ever getting over it but now that I've read THIS.. I have so many feels for him! I'll bet he's tired of not being the one behind the wheel! And I'm kinda sad they didn't address the tattoo thing in the show.. And glad you did! A lot, even. That was wonderful and so heart wrenching! Good job, really!!


themegalosaurus June 26 2014, 11:05:14 UTC
Ahhh I am so happy I made you less annoyed at Sam! I was waiting and waiting for the show to make it obvious why Sam was so upset and I'm pretty convinced this was the reason. We do know he is having nightmares about Kevin's death, after all


jennytork June 28 2014, 12:29:14 UTC
Saving. this is wonderful!


themegalosaurus June 29 2014, 01:12:37 UTC
Thanks, and thank you for commenting to tell me!!


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