1. "'Popular' was a teenage comedy-drama on The WB Television Network in the United States, created by Ryan Murphy (Nip/Tuck) and Gina Matthews (What Women Want, Jake 2.0, 13 Going on 30), starring Leslie Bibb and Carly Pope as two teenage girls that reside on polar opposite sides of the popularity spectrum at their high school, but are forced to co-exist when their single parents randomly meet and get married".
I wasn't on that show, so I think if I was, I'd have played Michael 'Sugar Daddy' Bernardino, "The wannabe-gangster of the popular group. He is best friends with Josh and is on the football team. He has problems with his weight. He dates exchange student Exquisite Woo."
I think that was pretty much me in high school.
2. No, unless you mean in the way accused racists try and call themselves "Colorblind", in which case, no.
1) Dinner with any three people, alive or dead. Who would you pick? 2) What's the last music you bought (I almost said CD, but then I remember iTunes). 3) What is freaking up. I haven't talked to you in awhile.
1. Ohh, a classic but a goodie. I'm going to say Jesus Christ, Stan Lee and Douglas Adams. If Jesus is too cliche, I'd say Vincent Price.
2. The last music I bought would be "Dance Tonight" By Paul McCartney. However, I recieved the Juno soundtrack shortly thereafter, that was a gift though.
3. Not much! I'm without a laptop, so I'm almost never on aim because iPod technology has no im capability...yet. Been takin' classes, hanging out with the girlfriend and friends. We should try and hang out atleast once over the summer!
I'd say less, but not by too much. Also, I will never understand why this movie is being made now and not say 10 or 20 years from now. When it"d be, you know, interesting. Also, since this is a Stone flick, Bush will ride a T. Rex and fight Global Warming, played by Al Pacino.
Comments 21
are you colorblind?
I wasn't on that show, so I think if I was, I'd have played Michael 'Sugar Daddy' Bernardino, "The wannabe-gangster of the popular group. He is best friends with Josh and is on the football team. He has problems with his weight. He dates exchange student Exquisite Woo."
I think that was pretty much me in high school.
2. No, unless you mean in the way accused racists try and call themselves "Colorblind", in which case, no.
2) What's the last music you bought (I almost said CD, but then I remember iTunes).
3) What is freaking up. I haven't talked to you in awhile.
2. The last music I bought would be "Dance Tonight" By Paul McCartney. However, I recieved the Juno soundtrack shortly thereafter, that was a gift though.
3. Not much! I'm without a laptop, so I'm almost never on aim because iPod technology has no im capability...yet. Been takin' classes, hanging out with the girlfriend and friends. We should try and hang out atleast once over the summer!
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