Round 10 Theme Poll

May 06, 2008 11:13

Hello thematic_hp viewers and attendees. It's that time again… new prompt poll! This is Round 10! Ten rounds of Harry Potter fic from your favorite themes. Let's make this 10th round more of a celebration than Nearly Headless Nick's Deathday Party!

So far thematic_hp has participated in the following themes (you can find the links on the profile page.)

1. Forced marriage or bonding
2. Time travel
3. Animagi
4. Slavery
5. Royalty & nobility
6. Dark Harry or other "good" character
7. Vows & life debts
8. Parents & guardians
9. Wizarding society & traditions

Here is the current poll for our next theme:

Poll Prompt Poll for Round 10

Poll is Closed

In about a 10 days I'll make a post for prompts. And in another week we will let you claim your prompts! Have fun with it.

Also, if anyone as any themes they want to see used, please let us know by commenting and telling us all about it.
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