A brief summary of this Extremely Long and Graphic-Filled Post:
1. I have started playing Dragon Age 2.
2. This, is ENTIRELY
manic_intent's FAULT; because she played it and wrote so much awesome Anders/Hawke fic that I caved and played my first Xbox game EVER
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I knew you would end up shipping the strange pairing.... ;o
Sarcasm Hawke is a massive troll! I miss him. Sometimes I select the sarcasm responses in Asshat!Hawke game, and then reload when I accidentally get friendship. Fail.
I'm nearly at max rivalry for everyone already, t_t so terrible. The best way is to take people who will betray you in Night Terrors (you can actually end up with no party at the last fight lol) and then kick them when they apologize to you afterwards. :/ I felt a little bad.
Sent Bethany to the Circle. She actually seems happy there. Seriously weird. Although I hit the berserk button when the templars came for her there was no actual option to hit the templars repeatedly with sharp end of the sword, sadness.
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