Never Knew - SPN, Slash, PG-13

May 30, 2007 22:22

Title: Never Knew
Characters: Dean
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Word Count: 151
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slash, incest (take that SixApart! *shakes fist*), angst
Disclaimer: The boys are Not. Mine - though I wish on every star every night.
Spoilers: None really, pre-series
Author's Note: I have no idea where this came from, seriously. Unbeta'd though, since it's so short. And, the title is very unoriginal, sorry! :)

Summary: Dean realizes many things.

All fics found here! soon as I update them...

I never knew a kiss could feel like this, permeate every cell in my body, lighting a fire as it goes on.

I never knew something could be so good, feel so right.

His hands travel everywhere, impossibly touching every inch at the same time, and it’s not enough, never gonna be enough.

I never knew he felt this way. About me.

Years of denying my feelings and he was doing the same thing, living the same lie, wallowing in the same darkness.

I never knew just how much I wanted this before.

Now, it’s here, right in front of me, and still I’m afraid to touch, pull it safely into my grasp.

Because all of these revelations have come too late.

Because there’s something else I didn’t know.

I never knew he wanted to leave. Leave me.

And, even when he told me?

I never knew he would actually go.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Feedback is awesome, peeps! Please review...I wanna know what you think! *tilts head*

Thanks for reading!

spn fanfic

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